Taking Action for Our Planet: Small Steps, Big Impact

I remember correcting some women and young people in my community to desist from trashing their used plastic and nylon on our street, but I received insults in return. The thing is that people are not so aware of the health risks of plastics to the human body and how our actions can directly and indirectly affect our health. And so, I didn't feel bad about their actions but played my part by requesting that our chairman allow me to speak about the implications of how the community members litter the whole environment during our monthly community meeting. It's Earth Day, all thanks to Senator Gaylord Nelson for creating this day to celebrate and protect our planet for our own good.

As long as you exist on this earth, the planet is for us all, and protecting it should be one of our priorities. I am not even an environmentalist, but it's crazy how I don't resist correcting both my family and outsiders whenever they pollute the earth and litter the environment in my presence. At least two times, I have stopped my husband from using his car when the exhaust got bad. Driving such a car on the road will simply pollute the environment and affect people's health. I once had the experience while I was pregnant, and after perceiving the smoke from a car exhaust, I fell ill for days. I also have a bore hole in my home, and that makes it possible for me to have enough water right?, but yet, I try to conserve water as a way to protect our planet. Our little actions matters!

Protecting our planet begins with you and me. How often we buy plastics and polythene in the market will tell the industry their production rate. Since we can't stop their production, we can reuse most of these materials instead of always buying them, and this way, the quantity that circulates in our environment will be reduced, thereby protecting our planet from the harmful effects of plastics. There's one particular food in my country called moi moi, also known as bean pudding, most people, including big restaurants, use plastics to cook this food, and it gives it a nice shape. However, the very day I read about how toxic chemicals are being released from plastics into our food and water,I stopped using plastic to prepare this particular food. I think the effect is even worse when heated. I believe most people still using it are ignorant of the harmful effects.

The way we dispose of plastic in our environment is a big concern, as this gets into the ocean and causes harm to our system. Here in Lagos State, Nigeria, where I reside, the government is a bit strict on littering the environment with plastic and nylon, and anyone caught is made to pay a fine. This rule combats this act to some extent, especially on our major roads, but when you come to the streets, you will find tons of plastic and polythene littered everywhere. Most of them block the gutters and, thereafter, cause erosion as well.


One thing I started doing to reduce the quantity of plastics I buy at home is using a water dispenser that has a big reservoir and can last my little ones longer than bottled water, which litters the plastics around after use. By taking this action, I have cut down on the single use of plastic. Also, buying more fruits for smoothie drinks instead of plastic carbonated drinks is another practice I observe, and I believe this activity helps combat the spread of plastics from my end.
Reusing my market bags has become a lifestyle. It does not only save money but also helps reduce how these polythenes circulate in our environment. Building a plastic-free planet may not be possible, but plastic circulation can be reduced in our environment for a healthier life.

Recently, a friend complained of a heatwave in their country and some news of heatstroke cases. We keep cutting trees for our own benefit, especially in developed cities, but nature will always have a way of showing its effect. Deforestation has been a problem the world is having when it comes to protecting our planet, but as much as we may not be able to stop anyone from building, moderating it by the government, or replanting the trees elsewhere to substitute for the ones destroyed, can help to some extent. Also, planting some kind of tree in our home and streets looks helpful.


Protecting the planet matters to everyone, both in our homes, in our communities, and even in our offices.There are many common practices, aside from the ones I discussed above, in which we can all get involved in order to conserve our planet, and by doing so, we're making our world a happier and healthier place to live. Overall, the need to create awareness on this subject among those who are deformed cannot be overstated.

Image 2, other Images are mine

This post was inspired by the #inleo community and my entry to the #Aprilinleo monthly topic Day 22.Please check out the announcement post to get involved.

Thanks for reading through ♥️♥️♥️

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