If you plan to grow a vegetable garden, what is your favorite vegetable to grow, and what dishes do you use it for? Feel free to include a special recipe using that vegetable!

This post is in response to the Ladies of Hive Community Contest #81 and I will love to invite @jmis101 and @projectmamabg to participate as well.

My favourite vegetable to grow is pumpkin leaf generally known as the "Ugu leaf" in my country. I am not planning to grow it but, I have already grown it some months ago in my little garden. That's how extent I love pumpkin leafπŸ€—


My boys watering the garden before the rainy season

It took me almost one week to convince my husband not to interlock this little ground space so I can use it for my garden. As an Engineer (my hubby), he already had a clear view of how he wanted the whole compound to look like while we were building our house but then, I couldn't overlook my gardening plans and I wouldn't also prefer growing my vegetable inside the bucket but rather on the ground.

I remember calling my mum to get this pumpkin seed for me from our village the last time she visited me in the city. Today, I have made a lot of harvest from my garden and I have used it in preparing different meals. Having this pumpkin leaf in my garden is just so handy so I can easily get fresh veggies from there and have it added to most of my meals, trust me, the taste is always nice. Below is a picture of a porridge yam made with pumpkin leaves from my garden.


Here comes another picture of melon(egwusi) soup made with pumpkin leaves from my garden as well.


The last time I made Banga stew, I didn't hesitate to add a chunk of the pumpkin leaf to it and the scent leaf too.


As a veggie-lover, I do add a bit of steamed pumpkin leaf to my beans as well, all from my garden.


Atimes I love steeming this veggie and use it as a nice combo with white rice.


I also have it added to noodles which I prepare for my children sometimes and the taste is always great.

Pumpkin leaves contain a lot of power-packed nutrients such as minerals, iron, potassium, etc. So many people squeeze out the water from the vegetable and drink it as a source of blood boasts and from my personal experience, it works for that purpose.

I have added lots of manure to the garden and the vegetable is doing well now unlike before. I would have loved to take the current picture of this garden but it's raining heavily at the time I am creating this post.

This is my entry to the @ladiesofhive contest #81.

Thank you so much for visiting my blog.

Please note: All pictures are mine taken from my cell phone unless stated otherwise
Remember to keep staying positive and be happy πŸ’žπŸ§‘πŸ€—

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