The Beauty Of Languages And Alternative Communication

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Hello beautiful people! Welcome back to my space. In this post, I will be writing on the topic of Languages and alternative communication.

A Major Communication Tool

Humans can communicate in various ways which include use of words conveyed by speech, gestures and writing, and this is actually what language is all about. With a language, we can let other people know our feelings, opinions and thoughts.

Languages differ from one place to another, and among different tribes and tongues. It is really interesting to note that even among people that are generally said to speak the same language, there are still different dialects of the same language.

This diversity is so common in my part of the world. In Nigeria where I come from, there are several languages even though only three of them are referred to as The three major languages. They are Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba.

When you get to the Igbo speaking part of my country, you will be amazed at the different dialects that are spoken in different communities. The same thing obtains in the Hausa speaking part and Yoruba Speaking part respectively.

There is beauty in diversity...

Being someone who has had the opportunity to live in these different parts of my country at different times, I can appreciate these differences because the language or dialect of a people actually shows how unique that people group is.

I have also come to realise that it is only when someone is truly interested in learning a language that that can happen, it doesn't matter how long you live among the language owners or speakers.

For instance, several years ago, I left the Igbo speaking part of my country for the Northern part where Hausa is majorly spoken. I had just gained admission into Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. Of course, people communicate in English inside the campus, but there were times that I needed to get some things done off campus and I needed to communicate in Hausa. Taking public transport, going to the market etc were examples of times I came in contact with some of the indigenes who could not communicate in English language.

I had to put great effort to learn the local language so that I don't get into trouble. But then I had a friend who had been living in the North for years with her parents and siblings. Unfortunately, she couldn't do more than greeting in Hausa, although her Dad and siblings were very fluent in speaking the language. Her reason was that she just didn't like the language.

Now, here is a word of wisdom

When someone is living in a foreign land or among people of strange language, it is very important to learn the language of the place. This will serve as a kind of protection, especially when people are plotting against you.

There were stories told us by my grandparents about some things that happened during the civil war in my country. In the stories they talked about how certain communities would block the roads when people were trying to flock in to seek refuge. Because they didn't want the enemies to infiltrate the community, they would ask the refugees to pronounce certain words in Igbo. Those who got it were helped, those who didn't were turned away. Call it the injustice and pains of war... sad, but it happened.

Alternative Communication

Now, all that was about communication involving words. Are there alternative communication methods? The answer is a big "Yes!"

Communication is not only limited to words, be it oral or written. There is the unspoken communication which can happen between individuals.

I remember when I was much younger. There were several times my mother will just give me a look that says "You dare not!", even without moving her lips, and I never needed an interpreter to tell me what she said 😂. Sometimes that would be when someone offered me something like candies or cookies.

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Have you ever wondered why a twin seems to know what is happening to the other twin even when they are not together in the same place? This is what some people call telepathy, some others call it heart coherence. Some even call it magical powers, but this happens in reality.

This is the same reason why a mother will always be the first to know when her child is in danger, no matter how grown the child has become. Not only that, true lovers whose hearts beat as one, can and do enjoy communication that cannot be expressed by words that are spoken or written.

Have you ever communicated with someone without words and they understood you? Or have you ever tried to tell someone something without speaking?

I will be stopping here for now, but I do appreciate you reading to this point. I, @ngwinndave, authored this post. The images used are free-to-use images from pixabay, and have been properly sourced.

Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below, and I will get back to you. Thank you once again.

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