Oh but... Caleta Buena ¡qué buena es!


This morning, while I slowly opened my eyes, I could hear the sea lapping softly on the rocks as if it were the soundtrack of my mind. Awww, what a delight!


Then it took me a while to get out of bed and I half fell asleep thinking... was it my mobile phone alarm? No, I don't think so. The alarm is a rain alarm, not a sea alarm. I think I was dreaming anyway.


I was smiling and it was as if I was myself out of my body. I saw myself accompanied by that girl who was near me all the time yesterday in Caleta Buena. Her sunscreen smelled of citrus.


Mmmm... another delight. I settled in between my pillows, which gave off the same scent as the sunscreen, and relived the embrace of water and foam about ten times over.


Then it was that I opened my eyes fully and could see that my arms and legs did indeed have a nice tan.

I breathed heavily, stretched, and also shrieked: oh but it's all so good!


My mother was in the kitchen brewing coffee and my dad still seemed to be dreaming of sun loungers and vodka and orange juice from Caleta Buena, because he was still in bed.


I can't tell you too much today, but I promise I will. I will tell every detail of this excursion because it is like that film that we like to revisit and every time we do so we discover sensations and messages that we had overlooked.


Nature has the most beautiful ways of telling and pleasing.


For the moment, here I share with you some pictures of this tourist destination located about 8 km from Playa Giron, on the Zapata Peninsula.

Screenshot of the route in the Relive App.

We are still processing the beautiful experience.


My parents will return to Candelaria in a few hours and we are making the most of the time together.


Bonus Picture

(Thanks @mamani for taking pictures of me 😅... )


Oh, I almost forgot. For those who perhaps didn't understand the title of this post, because I wrote one part of it in Spanish, Caleta Buena, ¡qué buena es! it's Caleta Buena, how good it is!


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