Can We Eat Seed Oils? My Food Journey Diary

Hello Foodies!

There has been lots of talk for some time going around that we should avoid seed oils from our diet. In Germany it is called Rapsöl, which is basically canola oil in the US or vegetable or sunflower oil in the UK.

From what I can get, the gist is that this oil is toxic and used to be used as a lubricant in cars and now due to peak fiat, where companies always cut costs and substitute cheaper and lower quality products in everything, now these seed oils are in everything. This is because it is apparently really cheap to produce and is very abundant.

In my ever ongoing quest to improve my health and diet, I therefore decided to try and cut seed oils as best I could from my diet. However, it is not easy as it is in almost everything! Even some of my favorite foods such as Hummus, although I know you can make yourself with olive oil maybe. Although according to the seed oil influencers, this is also bad because it is often mixed with seed oils. Therefore, I also try to avoid olive oil too.

Checking the ingredients I also saw things like mayonaise is like 80% seed oil too! There is no getting away from it. So some of the promises of avoiding seed oils are that you will lose weight, gain energy and just feel great again like the time 50 years ago when everybody was thin no matter what they ate. I hope this is right as I need to lose a few pounds.

I did read a book called wheat belly which said the same thing about modern wheat. So maybe they both are bad? Currently I do not avoid so much bread although I should do. As you can see I quite enjoy some bread with butter when eating home made soup. Here I was treated to a sour gherkin soup even though it is summer time.

I don't know how to make soup, but do enjoy it when someone makes for me. Most people are using seed oils for frying too, after a month without seed oils, I have noticed that food tastes better when not fried in seed oils and it is much less greasy. Once you have been a week without seed oils, I noticed I started preferring to have my food not greasy and it seemed to taste better fried with butter rather than oils.

Even today, I had the choice to eat some coleslaw salad mixed with mayonnaise and it just looked all greasy and soggy and unattractive compared to one without. Maybe it is not such a big thing and I am just finding something. I used to think food was all too dry and not nice, but suddenly things feel different.

I did notice when frying some eggs (which I didn't eat for a long time) as I was vegan for a few years that they looked and tasted far better fried in butter. My wife was even asking me to make for her too as her oil ones seemed to burn and look greasy and not so nice tasting.

For frying things, I switched to butter which I found overall better and flavor enhancing. It is more expensive, but I think worth it for the taste alone. The other thing is to try and avoid foods with oils in them, either added by yourself or processed foods.

Hummus and mayo were two big ones I noticed first, but there are quite a few others, lots of sauces and many processed foods. Restaurants are another one to beware of. For example, I quite like fries, but these are fried in seed oils and apparently in the past was used beef tallow. According to the seed oil grifters on Xitter, mostly animal fats were used 50 to 100 years ago and now it is all seed oils and this is causing inflammation and ill health.

So far I didn't notice too much in the way of weight loss or anything from avoiding seed oils, but I also haven't been doing too much sport either. I need to probably refine my diet much more which I plan to do and not eat so many unhealthy things.

Although I do feel a little bit better energy wise, I am not sure that is due to lack of seed oils or vitamin C pils or better sleep that I am getting recently, it is hard to say. Considering seed oils are supposed to be anti-metabolic, that could be partially the reason, but more time is needed to tell.

The more I reject foods with seed oils, the easier it gets and I therefore hope to keep my experiment running for longer. When I was vegan I was eating a lot of fruits and this seemed to be not so good for my stomach, especially acid wise and digesting, even though fruit is supposed to be the best for us. It is something I do not understand exactly.

Something I have tried to also do is stop eating in the evenings with some success and this is a good habit to try and get into as I often found I was looking to eat something sweet. This would usually be some processed food of some sort and this is not what you want to do before sleeping soundly.

Trying to improve your health and dietary choices is an ongoing battle and making tweaks each day to try and improve is my current method. I hope once I am fully settled with seed oils removed, I can make my next upgrade and step ever closer to better health.

Do you eat seed oils?

Do you think they are safe to eat?

Have you tried to avoid them?

Let me know in the comments.

Thanks for reading.

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All photos are my own.

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