Best Way to Stay in Shape.

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A few days ago, I was in a gym having a conversation with a young lady who complained of her not reducing in weight. She's doing all she can to remain in good shape, but it's not easy for her. So I asked her some questions based on what she's doing. This same lady will come to the gym with sugary things. Like biscuits, drinks, and so on.


I told her that no matter how well she trained, she must also mind what she's eating and the like. Even this morning she came with biscuits; it's funny; I was just laughing at her.
The point is that the first thing you need to know is that you must know who you are! What do I mean by knowing who you are? There are some people who, no matter what they take in, will gain weight. They are just like that; if they have adequate rest, they will gain weight. I mean, even when they are suffering, they will still add weight. Have you seen two people? One eats better than the other person, and the one that doesn't eat well will be the one adding weight.

There are other people who, no matter what they eat in this life, won't add too much weight; I mean, you will not even see it in their body. I'm one of those people. I don't have a problem with don't eat this particular food or don't eat at this time. I always remain the same no matter what I eat. But then mine is different. Because I work out more than I consume.
Now the question is: what should I do to stay in shape—diet or exercise?

I will say that no matter what we eat or try as much as we can to diet. We are still going to consume foods that have sugar in one way or another. And no matter how we try, we will still find a way to eat fat and calories in our food. On the other hand, if you are working out and you don't watch what you are eating, there are ways at which you will still not see good results in whatever you are working on. That is why it is good to know yourself. We all agreed that sugar is also good for your body, but too much of it is bad. So imagine you taking sugar without working.

Dieting is totally out of it. You can't diet alone and think it will make you in shape. You have to join it with exercises. The benefits of exercise in our lives are more than just staying in shape. No matter what I'm passing through, I would like to work out first to release the stress I'm facing. Exercise will make you fit mentally and physically. So in my opinion, I will say that watching what you eat and doing good exercises will make you in good shape and stay healthier.
People only run from workouts because they think it's hard. But the best way to stay healthy is through exercise and what you consume.

All images are mine

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