The Dilemma of Career choice as an important life's decision //Who should decide for us parent; self or teachers?

Choosing a career in life has a such a great influence on our lives. It carries this weight/capacity to decide for us whether we get to journey through life feeling fulfilled and happy with what we do or we just work out some routine activities to earn a living and not find happiness or a sense of purpose in what we do.


The people who end up in the field of life career-wise often live a none-existence life and will make little to no impact in their world.
Imagine someone having a dream of becoming a bank manager, and luckily for him, he finds himself to be the World Bank manager. Such a person has the capacity to decide the world's economic fate, and the impact of his career choice will be felt around the world. His dreams, vision, and purpose of life are achieved, and hence he will find fulfillment in his lifetime.

Yet for another who wishes to be a financial personal but ends up becoming a farmer like myself, such a one can fall into despair and anxiety for not being able to fulfill purpose in life. He will make little to no impact, and probably the little income he makes can only take care of his family. In many cases, our fulfillment in life is attached to our career choice; hence, this is an important decision in life.


Before now and in the African way of raising kids, career decisions for children were often decided by the parents, even though they had little knowledge of the fate they were deciding for their kids. Children often do not have a voice, and it is considered disrespectful to challenge your parents to any decisions they make on your behalf.

It is a common thing for children to get frustrated with the course of study of some career field decided by their parents for them. I have once had to console a student nurse who was overwhelmed by the nursing course but had no choice because her parents would disown her if she didn't become a nurse, as was the case in many homes here.


Moving on, and in time, the school educational system began to decide our career choice based on our academic performance. After every junior high school examination, they make a placement for all the students into science, arts, and commercials based on their performances. I had desired to fall into an art class to study journalism, as I was a professional talkative and admire all those journalists and TV producers. That didn't happen as the school decided my fate that an intelligent mind like mine should explore the science field. I don't regret studying a bit of science, but I would definitely be more fulfilled if I were in the art world and talking sense into people 🤗


I will like to conclude by saying that an important life's decision such as this should be made by individuals but not without a guide. Our parents and teachers have a bit more experience about the future than us, and by sharing such experiences, children can be guided into making the best choices they will be forever happy with.

In Nigeria, currently, when choosing a career, we are on the lookout for fields of study where there is demand for labor after graduation from school. Deciding to study a particular course with no job offer after graduation can equally lead to frustration. Hence, when making a career choice, make the decision based on what you will find fulfillment doing, and that can at the same time provide you a good living.

All images are mine and graduation pictures from years back.
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