Down the memory lane: Captivating Moments , Stories and Memories of my early years

Hello Hive

Cover photo of our family album

Alot of things that happened in the past would have been long forgotten if not for the evidence photography brings. Pictures keeps memories, captures moments and leave us with lasting stories. Each photographs taking today leaves a story for tomorrow. Indeed one picture can tell a thousand words depending on how we chose to see it.
While I had thought about how to go about the days contents I decide to take a look into one of our oldest family album and ended up spending 4 pleasant hour staring and meditating on each event and the cause for such pictures.

The moment my mum got married to my dad they started making memories together and while we were been birthed and appeared in the picture we weren't exempted, the memories of our birth were preserved inclusive.
So I have an image of Monica from years back and could still see how I looked as a baby


Every picture regarding my life's journey was recorded and here you see another picture from when I was in a nursery school


Even though I can hardly remember anyone from this picture the words of my teachers keeps ringing in my ears regarding how I kept topping the class and no one dare to take my position even for once.

Going further, memories of birthdays, graduations, naming ceremony or even baptism in church were all preserved

How I wished that the friendship here was preserved as much as the picture was.

There is this precious photo I have that has always reminded me of my late mum's looks, without this photo her memories would have been restricted to our hearts alone. But with this I can see her smile and even feel her presence as if she were here with us. Memories of our loved ones who have died are often wiped away easily when we have no picture of them. I have lost other siblings and can hardly relate to what their faces look like now, but am glad that mum is still here with us from the singular reason of having this picture.


It was an officers prize giving day ceremony and momma came top among her equals.

These are just a clip of the numerous pictures in the photo album, everybody's memories was contained within even the scary stories of dads duty discharged which he often told us the tale of how rigorous their training was.


In the present time I have used pictures to promote my fashion business and sell out my creativity


Pictures tells a whole lot of stories about our good and bad but it is better to channel our energies on the things that makes us happy and be grateful that we are still here to tell the stories.
I could have shared more of these happy times with you but the bulk of the time has been used by myself going through the album and I had more to think about rather than pen down in ink.
This will be it for now.

All images are mine.

This is my submission to the #aprilinleo daily prompt day 18 and i invite you to check out this link for more interesting topics and be a participant.

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