Weekend Selfies, WITH EVERYTHING💪🔥 [Esp-Eng]


Hola amigos de @liketu espero que su semana haya arrancado con todo!! Por acá estamos un poco luchando contra la marea, pero ahi vamos, tengo ya varios dias con mucha incomodidad en mi garganta, anoche no dormí casi, pero bueno ya hoy comencé el tratamiento, rogando a Dios pronta recuperacion!!

Perp aun asi, me levante y dije "me voy a sudar esta peste al gym" 😂 y asi fue, bastane que sudé, sigo aun con gripe y mucha incomodidad jajaja pero al menos me cumplí con mi 20% de actividad fisica, asi que sin excusas aqui les comparto las selfies de la suerte😂 con bastante sudor 💪

Fotos de mi propiedad


Hi @liketu friends, I hope your week has started with a bang! Here we are a little fighting against the tide, but here we go, I have several days with a lot of discomfort in my throat, last night I did not sleep almost, but well today I started the treatment, praying to God for a speedy recovery!

But even so, I got up and said "I'm going to sweat this stink to the gym" 😂 and so it was, I sweated a lot, I still have the flu and a lot of discomfort hahaha but at least I met my 20% of physical activity, so without excuses here I share the selfies of luck😂 with a lot of sweat 💪

Photos of my property

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