Malaria and typhoid attacked me. Real life story.


Ohhh mother Africa, why do we Africans suffer from malaria and typhoid frequently? What is wrong? Is there no solution to it? wait ooo, our doctors, can there be a solution to this our enemies? Though confused over those questions, yet, I think I have some suggestions on how to control or eliminate both malaria and typhoid. Please, expect my suggestions in the next article. Before then, with a heart filled with tears and agony, am here to let you all my blog lovers know how malaria and typhoid knocked me down for days now.

The arrival of my enemies

Two weeks ago, I started experiencing strange abnormal pains on my legs to the extent it was as if I can't condone it anymore. The issue threw lots of confusion over my head because, locally, here in Nigeria, it's generally believe that aged ones battling with arthritis are the ones that can complain of such pains. More to that, I never even experience rheumatism how much more of arthritis.

So, in view of that, I took analgesic to calm the issue thinking it's just ordinary pains. But that proved futile. Yet, days later, I started experiencing rigor (fever and cold). To me, I strongly believe it's malaria and typhoid. Therefore, I went to market, purchased some anti-malaria and typhoid drugs


As you have seen in the above picture, I consumed all the drugs including worm expeller. But to no avail. Instead of relieving, it got worse and even worst because stomach upset joined the chorus. But, the truth is that my system prefers injection to tablets but am trying to change it. Seeing that the case is worsening beyond my control.

Therefore, I called on my doctor who is a lab technician and also a herbalist under TCM(traditional Chinese medicine). She asked me few questions and from what am seeing, it's like she detected the issue.


She directed me to pluck and cook some herbs, I did just as she directed. From this end, I can say that am seeing lots of improvement from the concoction she introduced to me. Honestly, I can now write. What a good news!

What a disappointment!

Today is the day she invited me over for some health care checkup. But, unfortunately, according to the security men I met at the entrance of her office building, they said she arrived few minutes ago but from her action, it's like she received an emergency call and hurriedly left. I waited for like 2/3 hours for her but all proved abortive.

IMG_20221114_115222_748.jpgabout to leave the house to her office. Though sick, am happy

Hope not lost

Right now, am weary. But I Know I will soon bounce back. It's just a matter of time and patience because, her number is switched off. But in all, I thank God for the herbs she prescribed. The pains on my legs have vanished, the rigor stopped and right now, the stomach ache is also subsiding. So, there is hope. But, my prayer is for her safety wherever she is. Till tomorrow.

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