GHAWG, Uninterrupted: Interlude 3

GHAWG, Uninterrupted: The First Daily Zapfic Serial Published at LeoThreads

This post features Interlude 3-- uninterrupted, no comments-- of the daily zapfic serial #GHAWG published at LeoThreads.

Post images made using MS Paint.


  • About #GHAWG
  • Previously, in Act 6
  • Interlude 3
    • Zapfic entries from [286] 2023-December-13 through [327] 2024-January-13
  • Quick Summary of Interlude 3
  • Navigation to Other Acts in #GHAWG
  • When (and Where) To Catch #GHAWG

About #GHAWG

Below is the description taken from the first annotated weekly summary covering #GHAWG:

#GHAWG is short for "God's Hog: A Watchful Guardian." This fictional story tells how David Guardia, a courier and business owner from Bayonne, New Jersey, US moved into the next phase of his life after spending the final ten years of his ailing father's life helping him.

(Hyperlinks in original)

2 months after I began publishing the daily zapfic serial, I decided to publish a weekly summary which also included commentary relevant to each zapfic entry.

The weekly summaries add depth to #GHAWG. However, they are capped at 7 entries (with perhaps a few bonus entries). With the serial entering its 6th month, it can take a while to get caught up even with the delayed weekly summaries.

One day it occurred to me that some people would prefer to read the zapfic uninterrupted; that is, with no commentary, just the text. For this reason I will publish on a recurring basis a post containing all the zapfic entries associated with one Act (or Interlude) of the daily zapfic serial.

Eventually, these Uninterrupted posts will catch up with the daily zapfic serial. At that point, these Uninterrupted posts will be published at the end of each Act (or Interlude) as needed.

For anyone interested in commentary, start with the post featuring zapfic entries 1 through 7 along with the introduction.

Previously, in Act 6

Our Heroes-- both David Guardia's crew and The Mongols led by Harry Hoqualogue-- grew in number by one when the demonstrator who halted their ride just as they were exiting Portland, Oregon, US was persuaded to give up the far-left activist life to join them. Lindsay Etxeberria, the far-left activist, recognized David and Rhonda Bella as the people who had rescued her from near-death on the side of a road in Iowa.

Once Our Heores-- now including Lindsay-- left Portland, the stress of riding through the Pacific Northwest in order for David to fulfill his mission there faded away. Over the next day or two Lindsay was introduced to The Kids (college seniors Sanjay Rampersad and Lionel Odunsi, foreign exchange students attending University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), The Twins (Hank & Frank, the Brothers Marchenko), and-- formally-- David and Rhonda.

First chance they got, Our Heroes rode south by hugging the Pacific coast as much as possible. Everyone was in good spirits as they rode south toward the final California destinations of Riverside and then San Diego. Riverside is where Lindsay was going to begin her new life under guidance by the ministry which converted Hippies to Christianity in the late 1960s and early 1970s. San Diego is the home base for Harry and the chapter of The Mongols he leads.

After entring California, numerous events took place ranging from the amusing to the amazing. Among these events are David gently persuading a bear to leave him and Rhonda alone, predictions of Lindsay winning a game of D20 as well as a German Shepard humping Harry's leg, and David speaking in tongues to a group of homeless people at Venice Beach.

Once they Our Heroes reached Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, they explained the situation to The Pastor. Lindsay explained her recent past. David and Rhonda explain how they found Lindsay left for dead by the side of the road in Iowa, only to discover her in Portland. Lindsay explains the recent indicators which guided her decision to say with Our Heroes: David's short-term predictive prowess (still raw in relation to those of the uncanny Manny Rey) and then hearing him speak in Basque to the homeless people at Venice Beach.

The Pastor was more than ready to welcome Lindsay to the fellowship, but he also determined that Lindsay was in good hands with David and his crew, especially since Lindsay was able to witness The Lord's power in real-time. Once Lindsay decided to continue riding with David and his crew, Harry decided it was time to "get born again" and underwent the baptism ritual in the waters of the Pacific Ocean. After everyone celebrated his life-changing decision, David proposed marriage to Rhonda and she happily accepted.

Next stop after leaving Riverside was San Diego, where David's crew parted ways with Harry and The Mongols. Their final moments together took place at Ruth's Chris Steakhouse where Harry paid for The Newlyweds's share of the impromptu wedding meal. Once David thanked Harry for all he had done since leaving STURGIS, they parted ways. Then The Newlyweds parted ways from The Kids (now including Lindsay) and The Twins so that they could have at least one solid week of the honeymoon experience.

Interlude 3

The Newlyweds
View thread using LeoThreads
♦ 286. 2023-12-13 00:11:03
The Kids & The Twins
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♦ 287. 2023-12-13 00:12:03
Rhonda and I checked into the Hilton La Jolla Torrey Pines. When we reached our room for the week, I carried her through the threshold. When we prepared for bed, I noticed an upgrade I received during my 10-day-long recovery."We need to plan our ride east," Sanjay said.

"It's not something we want to do last minute when we're reunited," said Lionel.

"We remain together much of the way," Hank said.

"Let's make an adventure out of it," said Frank.

The Newlyweds
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♦ 288. 2023-12-14 01:26:33
The Kids & The Twins
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♦ 289. 2023-12-14 01:27:03
Rhonda's last few experiences were short-term and experimental. Between being a workaholic and the years caring for my father, I had few relationships. Those frustrations came to an end for us; she & I made up for the lost time.While Hank, Frank, Sanjay, and Lionel were reviewing digital maps and debating possible routes, Lindsay was listening to techno and electronica music coming out of a skater's boom box. So she asked this: "Is Route 66 nearby?"

The Newlyweds
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♦ 290. 2023-12-15 00:07:09
The Kids & The Twins
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♦ 291. 2023-12-15 00:07:51
Next day at the beach, Rhonda & I saw a sign stating CLOTHING OPTIONAL BEYOND THIS POINT; we stripped bare beyond that sign. After we found a secluded area, she & I re-enacted that iconic scene from From Here to Eternity.Whatever plans the gearheads & college kids had were scrapped in favor of tracing the path taken by Old Route 66, which had been replaced by the Interstate system. They had to return to L.A. before heading east toward Chicago.

The Newlyweds
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♦ 292. 2023-12-16 00:01:21
The Kids & The Twins
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♦ 293. 2023-12-16 00:01:48
Rhonda and I alternated our time between the room and our special place we found for ourselves at the beach. We explored new ways to know more about each other, even things we never knew until then. We blew each other's minds.Hank and Frank retraced Old Route 66 using online resources devoted to the iconic road. Sanjay and Lindsay compiled a list of sites to see along Old Route 66. Lionel tested various web sites to get good deals on hotel lodging.

The Newlyweds
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♦ 294. 2023-12-17 00:12:57
The Kids & The Twins
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♦ 295. 2023-12-17 00:13:36
It's one thing for a man & woman to have an extreme height difference. It's another when she is much taller. Then again, our height difference gave us opportunities to engage in the more creative aspects of being husband & wife.Once everyone was satisfied with their online research, Sanjay & Lionel transcribed the path, sites, and hotels into their notebooks. Nearly everything is digital these days, but it's good to have hardcopy for when devices die.

The Newlyweds
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♦ 296. 2023-12-18 00:02:27
The Kids & The Twins
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♦ 297. 2023-12-18 00:03:15
One evening Rhonda and I went back to our favorite spot at the beach. Neither of us had been to the beach at night before, and neither of us had felt the cold waves wash over our bare selves beneath the moonlight. We enjoyed it.Lindsay, Hank, Frank, Sanjay, & Lionel needed to buy some things for the ride east. Hank & Frank made sure everyone had access to "the nitrous" just in case. Sanjay & Lionel bought GoPro camera to document their ride to Chicago.

The Newlyweds
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♦ 298. 2023-12-19 00:50:03
The Kids & The Twins
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♦ 299. 2023-12-19 00:50:03
After waking up the next day, we made sure we felt great. The oils we used were extremely useful for the wrestling we would enjoy. We agreed to "fight" until there was a winner. Eventually, we realized that we're both winners.With preparations for the ride on Old Route 66 out of the way, the gearheads & kids could take it easy and enjoy being in San Diego. The highlight for them was a trip to the San Diego Zoo; they got to act like children again.

The Newlyweds
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♦ 300. 2023-12-20 00:30:15
The Kids & The Twins
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♦ 301. 2023-12-20 00:31:18
During recovery time we both truly needed, we held each other as we watched on History Channel a program featuring lost treasures from the 1200s

"You're my Shieldmaiden."

"And you're my Templar."

We squeezed each other more.
Lindsay thought she left her recent past behind her; seeing the USS Midway Museum in Downtown San Diego reminded her.

"I was protesting all the wars fought in our name," she said to Sanjay.

"Being anti-war is OK," Sanjay said.

The Newlyweds
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♦ 302. 2023-12-21 00:10:42
The Kids & The Twins
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♦ 303. 2023-12-21 00:11:39
When we returned to our room from the beach, we had golden all-over tans. We washed the sand off each other. Then we spent the rest of our stay setting records for speed and endurance. The room had thick walls, which we loved."Isn't South Park that cartoon series on Comedy Central?" Lindsay asked all the guys; they nodded. "We just passed it a few blocks back."

"It's real," said Lionel, "but it's in Colorado."

"It's been ages since I saw TV."

The Newlyweds
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♦ 304. 2023-12-22 00:10:54
The Kids & The Twins
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♦ 305. 2023-12-22 00:11:57
We had a big day after checkout, so we went to bed early. We weren't ready for sleep, so we talked about what's ahead of us.

"Whatever the future holds, Rhonda, you have my undying love and devotion."

"And you have mine."
"No way!" Hank told Frank.

"What is it?"

"There's a neighborhood named after Grant Hill!"

The kids were laughing at the twins.

"It's more like he's named after it," said Lionel, and Lindsay added "It's near South Park, too."

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 306. 2023-12-23 00:11:21
After Rhonda and I checked out, we met our people at an outdoor cafe. We knew what they wanted to ask about.

"We don't kiss and tell."

"She's right."

Rhonda and I looked at each other, then we laughed. The crew updated us.

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 307. 2023-12-24 00:13:12
"The Mongols did their job in getting us to Portland, Riverside, & San Diego," said Rhonda.

"We're on our own as we head home," I said," wherever that is for us."

"What's our path this time?" asked Hank. Everyone else nodded.

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 308. 2023-12-25 00:42:09
"As we rode along the West Coast," said Rhonda, "David & I were discussing this."

"Most of us are from Iowa," I said. "You guys need to return to UNC." Sanjay & Lionel nodded. "So we ride to UNC before we swing back to Iowa."

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 309. 2023-12-26 00:12:21
"It means we'll have a longer trip to Iowa," said Rhonda, "but it also means we have more time to be together not just as escorts but also as friends in fellowship."

"We're good with that," said Frank. "Me too," said Lindsay.

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 310. 2023-12-27 00:15:15
"As for me," I began to say, "I began my ride out of New Jersey. Thanks to a chain of events leading to this moment"-- I looked at Rhonda-- "home is now Iowa."

"Where will you be going?" Rhonda asked Lindsay. She had to think.

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 311. 2023-12-28 00:01:57
"As much as I want to spend time with you guys," Lindsay said to Sanjay and Lionel, "I need to start over and get reoriented."

"That makes two of us," I said. "We'll need jobs, too. Those bills and rents won't pay themselves."

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 312. 2023-12-29 00:00:51
"You guys need jobs?" Hank asked Lindsay and me. She and I look at each other, and we nodded. "We got that covered. You can work with us on a permanent basis, or until you find something more suitable, whatever works for you."

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 313. 2023-12-30 00:14:03
"When you guys have a chance, you can visit us at Chapel Hill." began Lionel. "Especially during basketball season." We all laughed with Lionel since UNC is best known for its college basketball team."

So it's settled," I said.

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 314. 2023-12-31 00:09:09
"How's the Victory?" Rhonda asked Lindsay.

"It's bigger than what I'm used to riding," Lindsay replied.

"If you need help with it, let me know. Finding parts is trickier for Victory bikes than for Harley-Davidson."

"Will do."

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 315. 2024-01-01 00:13:24
"How long did you have that Victory motorcycle, Rhonda?"

"10 years, David, why?"

"Now I know what to get you on our wedding anniversary." We smiled. "I hope you don't mind sharing rides on my trike."

"Where you go, I go."

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 316. 2024-01-02 00:09:39
"Speaking of where we're going," began Lindsay, "We came up with the idea of following Route 66, like in that song but in reverse. We mapped it out, found sites, even lodging."

"So that's what you guys have been up to." I said.

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 317. 2024-01-03 00:14:06
"Before we ride it," said Hank, "we need to return to L.A. to pick it up at Santa Monica Pier."

"Then we head north to Santa Monica," I said.

"100 miles," added Rhonda.

"Traffic's a mess in Southern California," said Frank.

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 318. 2024-01-04 00:04:27
"Halfway is Dana Point," began Sanjay. "That's where PCH begins."

"We can take Interstate 5 to Dana Point, then we can switch to PCH," said Lionel.

"So we spend the night at Dana Point before going to Santa Monica," I said.

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 319. 2024-01-05 00:12:04
Lindsay needed to speak with Rhonda for a bit.

"Since Sanjay will be returning to UNC, is it OK if I ride with him until then?"

"Of course it is, Lindsay. I know what that's like, so spend whatever time you can with him."

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 320. 2024-01-06 00:02:24
As we mounted our bikes, Lindsay took time to thank Rhonda for the temporary shift in riding arrangements.

"Remember, Lindsay," began Rhonda, "That Victory's yours now. You're just letting me borrow it until you want it back."

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 321. 2024-01-07 00:04:54
Lionel found us good room rates about a mile shy of Dana Point. The Brothers Marchenko (Hank & Frank) had a room. The Kids (Lindsay Etxeberria, Sanjay Rampersad, and Lionel Odunsi) had theirs. Rhonda Bella Guardia & I had ours.

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 322. 2024-01-08 00:01:06
Back in road gear, we took a ride on the world famous ferris wheel at Santa Monica Pier. Coincidentally, that's also where the western terminus of Route 66 is located. We needed to research the path using modern road numbering.

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 323. 2024-01-09 00:01:12
We split up to handle personal errands. Rhonda & I decided to go to a motorcycle apparel shop. When we saw jumpsuits, we looked at each other and had the same idea. Rhonda left wearing a tan jumpsuit. Mine was safety yellow.

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 324. 2024-01-10 12:25:54
During a break, Rhonda asked me if I had any pics from my ride to STURGIS, pre-Iowa. After I showed her what I had, she said "That's it?"

"That part of my ride was just one big blur."

"This part won't be," she said, winking.

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 325. 2024-01-11 00:10:00
After she laughed at my lack of pics from early in my ride, Rhonda switched to a more serious topic.

"After we return to Iowa, how about you become my co-pilot?"

"I thought you left eveything behind."

"I still have my truck."

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 326. 2024-01-12 00:10:12
"Where you go, I go," I told Rhonda, with a smile.

"If you don't mind living out of a cab for a while, we can make it work."

"Free rent's great. We just pay for diesel & parking."

"Great. You'll look great in hot pink, too."

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 327. 2024-01-13 00:13:27
I felt myself trying to arch an eyebrow like Mister Spock; I failed. "Company colors, Rhonda Bella Logistics."

"Gotcha. OK."

"You'll be my executive assistant until you get your own gig going.

"Hank & Frank have been outbid."

Quick Summary of Interlude 3

Interlude 3 starts with two stories taking place in parallel:

  • The Newlyweds -- David and Rhonda Bella Guardia celebrate their first days as husband and wife in San Diego, California, US after their impromptu wedding in Riverside, California, US. They didn't waste time making up for lost time.
  • The Kids & The Twins -- The Kids (Sanjay Rampersad, Lionel Odunsi, and Lindsay Etxeberria) and The Twins (Hank & Frank, the Brothers Marchenko) use this time to plan their trip east. After coming up with one set of riding directions, they discover "The Mother Road"-- the iconic and legendary Route 66-- and redo their riding directions to ride as much as possible the path defined by this road.

Once The Newlyweds are reunited with The Kids and The Twins, they discuss a number of topics: the ride east not only to the eastern terminus of Old Route 66 in Chicago, Illinois, US but also first to University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill before swinging back to Iowa; Rhonda gifting to Lindsay her Victory motorcycle; job prospects for Lindsay and David in Iowa. Before they can ride Old Route 66, they need to ride north from San Diego to Los Angeles to catch the western terminus of Old Route 66 at the Santa Monica Pier.

Navigation to Other Acts in GHAWG, Uninterrupted

As later Acts (and Interludes) are published, this section will be updated with links to all other Acts (and Interludes).

When (and Where) To Catch #GHAWG


This is the normal schedule for the posting of content for #GHAWG:

  • Daily -- Each zapfic entry is posted shortly after midnight, from New York
  • Weekends -- Weekly Summaries (with modified screen capture from LeoThreads as cover image) are usually on Saturday, sometimes Sunday
    • UPDATE -- Weekly Summaries will be posted on an accelerated schedule (every 6 days) in order for the posts to be in synch with the daily zapfic entries. Synchronization should be completed before Spring 2024.
  • Monday -- GHAWG, Uninterrupted posts; when not available, The GHAWG Diaries
  • All other days may feature other forms of GHAWG content (such as GHAWG Behind the Scenes).


  • Daily zapfic entries drop at LeoThreads, usually posted shortly after midnight from New York (sometimes around noon)
  • Posts for The GHAWH Universe-- Weekly Summaries, and GHAWG, Uninterrupted, and GHAWG Behind the Scenes-- can be accessed using the sticky post on my profile page, GHAWGnav: Navigating the GHAWG Universe

That's it for Interlude 3 of GHAWG, Uninterrupted. I'm @magnacarta (graphic-signature made by @ahmadmanga)[!!]
Thanks for your time and for reading #GHAWG, LeoThreads at InLeo's first daily zapfic serial. Give the post an upvote or a reblog if you liked it. Feedback is welcome. Until next time!

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