GHAWG, Uninterrupted: Interlude 1

GHAWG, Uninterrupted

This post features Interlude 1-- uninterrupted, no comments-- of the daily zapfic serial #GHAWG published at LeoThreads.

Post images made using MS Paint.


  • About #GHAWG
  • Previously, in Act 2
  • Intelude 1
    • Zapfic entries from [62] 2023-May-07 through [83] 2023-May-30
  • Quick Summary of Interlude 1
  • Navigation to Other Acts in #GHAWG
  • When (and Where) To Catch #GHAWG

About #GHAWG

Below is the description taken from the first annotated weekly summary covering #GHAWG:

#GHAWG is short for "God's Hog: A Watchful Guardian." This fictional story tells how David Guardia, a courier and business owner from Bayonne, New Jersey, US moved into the next phase of his life after spending the final ten years of his ailing father's life helping him.

(Hyperlinks in original)

2 months after I began publishing the daily zapfic serial, I decided to publish a weekly summary which also included commentary relevant to each zapfic entry.

The weekly summaries add depth to #GHAWG. However, they are capped at 7 entries (with perhaps a few bonus entries). With the serial entering its 6th month, it can take a while to get caught up even with the delayed weekly summaries.

Recently it occurred to me that some people would prefer to read the zapfic uninterrupted; that is, with no commentary, just the text. For this reason I will publish on a recurring basis a post containing all the zapfic entries associated with one Act (or Interlude) of the daily zapfic serial.

Eventually, these Uninterrupted posts will catch up with the daily zapfic serial. At that point, these Uninterrupted posts will be published at the end of each Act (or Interlude) as needed.

For anyone interested in commentary, start with the post featuring zapfic entries 1 through 7 along with the introduction.

Previously, in Act 2

David Guardia needed time to tie up loose ends after his father died. He had more time to himself, yet he was busier than ever.

The day came when he could upgrade his ride from the Honda rat bike he had to a certified pre-owned Harley-Davidson. This was also the day he handed over his courier business to Slim. Now he was ready to begin his ride to STURGIS.

Riding through Pennsylvania was normal enough, until he was a short distance from Ohio and the town of East Palestine. Ohio is where he would meet interesting people and have strange experiences. It's also where he would pick up a riding partner, the uncanny Manny Rey.

As they rode through Ohio and Indiana, David Guardia began to notice how uncanny Manny Rey was. They were able to escape a couple of close calls because of this.

Due to civil unrest taking place in Illinois, the two riders didn't waste any time trying to get through the eastern 2/3 of the state. After an overnight rest stop in Barstow, civil unrest found them. They rode for their lives until they crossed the Mississippi River into LeClair, Iowa. Just when David Guardia thought he was safe, he was on the wrong end of a fuel tanker explosion which nearly killed him.

GHAWG Uninterrupted: Interlude 1-- Zapfic Entries 62 through 83

Interlude 1

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 62. 2023-05-07 02:15:03
These memories flashed before me:
● Oaf who broke my black Big Wheel
● Celebrating in a bar 2nd Stanley Cup for New Jersey Devils
● Watching 2000 World Series with Pops
● Starting Guardia Courier Services
● Mom's funeral
● …

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 63. 2023-05-08 01:07:27
● …
● Seeing The Dark Knight Rises with Pops at IMAX Theater in Jersey City
● Scoring 5 Yahtzee!'s in 1 game against Pops
● Buying my Honda at a fire sale
● Learning self defense as a teenager from Pops
● Practicing MMA
● …

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 64. 2023-05-11 10:40:51
● …
● Pops beating me at UNO while 1 point away from winning
● My last doctor appointment
● Seeing that dead subway rat
● Stopping that robbery at the store
● Slim when he wasn't that
● Pops with Iris Chacon's autograph
● …

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 65. 2023-05-12 01:08:45
● …
● Jury Duty summons during one of Pops' earlier hospital stays
● Last time Pops and & saw T2
● Watching WrestleMania 3 on Closed-Circuit TV
● Giants beat Patriots for Super Bowl XLII (42)
● Claiming rewards at blog
● …

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 66. 2023-05-13 00:04:21
● …
● Helping Pops walk during one of his hospital stays
● Last time Pops & I saw T2
● Claiming rewards at blog
● Getting The Call
● Pops' wake and funeral
● Work-induced weight loss
● Earning 20% in blog account's savings
● …

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 67. 2023-05-14 00:15:00
● …
● Turning over the business to Slim
● Leaving Bayonne
● Arriving in Allentown
● Solenoid cascade failure in East Palestine, Ohio
● Eating Spam
● Sharing my Big Wheel tale with Jacob Angel
● Geraldo Rivera apologizing
● …

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 68. 2023-05-15 00:19:51
● …
● Vomiting Spam before watching fuel tanker explode
● Arm wrestling and then forfeiting winnings
● Meeting Manny Rey in Sandusky, Ohio
● Saluting riders on the road
● Finding a roll of silver quarters in Defiance, Ohio
● …

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 69. 2023-05-16 00:22:33
● …
● Getting a bird dropping in the park
● Seeing the shieldmaiden on TV
● Sinatra Hater
● Escaping the Rowdies in Michigan
● Potholes in South Bend
● Manny Rey performing magic tricks
● Manny Rey cracking a glass bottle
● …

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 70. 2023-05-17 00:18:00
● …
● Rushing through Illinois
● Studying map in Barstow
● Fleeing rioters on reaching state lines
● Manny Rey telling me I would be OK no matter what happened
● Flying 100 feet through the air

Then I blacked out in mid-air.

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 71. 2023-05-18 00:36:48

EMT needed a few attempts with the defibrilator before I responded. Then I needed to be treated for smoke inhalation. Worse ways to die than getting thrown 100 feet away by an explosion exist. I found myself at peace.

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 72. 2023-05-19 10:35:54
Upon further review, I sustained broken arms, broken legs, and a punctured lung. Painkillers were administered. Doctors made sure the lung didn't get worse. When I arrived at the hospital, I was radiating a barely-there green.

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 73. 2023-05-20 00:28:06
Worst was over. I was in Intensive Care with no ventilator. Vitals were minimal. Tubes handled inputs and outputs. External stimuli didn't reach me. It looked as if I was in a coma, yet I was reliving my trip from another view.

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 74. 2023-05-21 00:05:09
● Someone close to me tried getting my attention about the starter as I approached East Palestine, only I was riding solo
● Jacob Angel felt a strong need to talk with me
● Geraldo Rivera was OK until he was nudged to my bike

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 75. 2023-05-22 00:35:42
● While looking for the last can of Spam, I felt the need to pick the "wrong" can
● The man who drafted me into the arm wrestling tournament thought it was a great idea
● Manny Rey entered my life to keep me from getting beaten

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 76. 2023-05-23 00:17:42
● Manny Rey handed me the sealed message for Harry Hoqualogue
● As soon as we met, Manny Rey had been directing me
● I was being introduced to riders I was saluting
● Someone deposited a roll of silver quarters before I arrived

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 77. 2023-05-24 00:01:24
● Bird dropping set up Manny Rey's uncanny predictive powers
● Manny Rey knew I used the term shieldmaiden
● Tall redhead was steered to the bar where Sinatra Hater slugged me
● Discovering Sturgis, Michigan wasn't accidental

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 78. 2023-05-25 00:09:03
● A mini-dust storm came to let us escape
● Children loved Manny Rey
● Men with harm in their hearts feared him
● Someone left a map for me to review
● Manny Rey determined that I would be OK for whatever the future had for me

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 79. 2023-05-26 00:19:30
After reviewing the behind-the-scenes version of my ride to Sturgis I found myself speaking to Manny Rey, or someone who resembled him. I had questions. He had answers. Among them was the biggest answer to the smallest question.

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 80. 2023-05-27 00:10:45
My Q&A with Manny Rey, or his facsimile, had enough Q's to span the running time for The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises. He also told me my parents are happy with how I took care of my father during his last decade.

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 81. 2023-05-28 11:47:36
Although I could have kept asking questions, there wasn't more for me to know at that time. That's when Manny Rey explained to me that in life there are prophets, priests, and kings. "I need you to fulfill your role as prophet."

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 82. 2023-05-29 00:04:03
I blinked a few times.

"You need me… To be what??"

When it dawned on me who had been talking with me, that's when The Lord slowly nodded.

"You know all you need to know to deliver My message to My people. In your style."

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 83. 2023-05-30 00:00:45
The Lord ended His conversation-- more like meeting-- with me. He had given me more instructions, but He said they would be available to me when I needed them. Next thing I know, I see about a dozen doctors and nurses around me.

Quick Summary of Interlude 1

As he was flying through the air after the fuel tanker exploded, David Guardia's life flashed before his eyes. Most of the flashbacks were of events from recent years, although a few were from much earlier in his life.

When he was placed in the Intensive Care Unit, he had sustained broken arms, broken legs, and a punctured lung. Once he was placed on painkillers he entered into a coma. For David Guardia, it was a review of recent events from a different perspective.

After the review of recent events had taken place, he found himself having a Q&A session with Manny Rey, or at least someone who resembled Manny Rey. As this session progressed, it dawned on David Guardia that he was in the presence of The Lord. That's when The Lord explained to him his purpose and mission going foward. In a world of prophets, priests, and kings, he was to be a prophet.

Navigation to Other Acts in GHAWG, Uninterrupted

To find other Acts (or Interludes) such as this one-- or weekly summary posts to read the serial with DVD-like annotated commentary-- use the GHAWG Navigation threadstorm at LeoThreads. Within LeoThreads, hashtag #GHAWGnav brings up the navigation.

When (and Where) To Catch #GHAWG


This is the normal schedule for the posting of content for #GHAWG:

  • Daily -- Each zapfic entry is posted shortly after midnight, from New York
  • Weekends -- Weekly Summaries (with screen capture from LeoThreads) are usually on Saturday, sometimes Sunday
  • Monday -- GHAWG, Uninterrupted posts


  • Daily zapfic entries drop at LeoThreads, usually posted shortly after midnight from New York (sometimes around noon)
  • Both kinds of posts-- Weekly Summaries and GHAWG, Uninterrupted-- can be accessed from my LeoFinance profile page

Thank you for reading #GHAWG, LeoThreads first daily zapfic serial. Until next time!

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