GHAWG-- God's Hog: A Watchful Guardian-- LeoThreads Zapfic Entries 64-70

GHAWG-- God's Hog: A Watchful Guardian-- LeoThreads Zapfic Entries 64-70

Read the Zapfic serial #GHAWG on LeoThreads to follow the transformation of a courier into a Harley-riding tool of God.


Cover image is a screen capture of LeoThreads edited with MS Paint



● What is GHAWG?

● Zapfic Entries 64-70

Β  Β  6️⃣4️⃣ 2024-May-22 12:08:57 (originally published on 2023-May-11 @ 10:40:51 ET at /@magnacarta/re-leothreads-2lturehkz)

Β  Β  6️⃣5️⃣ 2023-May-12 01:08:45

Β  Β  6️⃣6️⃣ 2023-May-13 00:04:21

Β  Β  6️⃣7️⃣ 2024-May-22 11:54:54 (originally published on 2023-May-14 @ 00:15:00 at /@magnacarta/re-leothreads-v7hnaaw9)

Β  Β  6️⃣8️⃣ 2023-May-15 00:19:51

Β  Β  6️⃣9️⃣ 2023-May-16 00:22:33

Β  Β  7️⃣0️⃣ 2023-May-17 00:18:00

● Story Arc So Far

● Next Week

● GHAWG Navigation


What Is GHAWG?

#GHAWG is short for "God's Hog: A Watchful Guardian." This fictional story tells how David Guardia, a courier and business owner from Bayonne, New Jersey, US moved into the next phase of his life after spending the final ten years of his ailing father's life helping him.

More details can be found in the first post of this weekly recap.


Zapfic Entries 64-70

6️⃣4️⃣ 2023-May-11 10:40:51 (originally published on 2023-May-11 @ 10:40:51 ET at /@magnacarta/re-leothreads-2lturehkz)

● …
● Pops beating me at UNO while 1 point away from winning
● My last doctor appointment
● Seeing that dead subway rat
● Stopping that robbery at the store
● Slim when he wasn't that
● Pops with Isis Chacon's autograph
● …

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🏍️ Part of the routine for David Guardia and his ailing father was playing either UNO or Yahtzee! The games (especially UNO, even capped at 250 points) kept the elder Guardia's mind off his pain and discomfort.

🏍️ David Guardia himself was no paragon of physical fitness, although he was in good enough condition to run his courier business while taking care of his ailing father.

🏍️ Nearly every regular rider of the New York City subway system has an experience with subway rats, and David Guardia is no exception. This particular experience gave him conflicting emotions.

🏍️ While he would like to mind his own business and get through life, David Guardia learned from an early age that wrong is wrong and must be corrected. He doesn't have the mindset to be a police officer, but that doesn't stop him from doing what he can to stop crime in its tracks.

🏍️ Slim is one of David's couriers. The first time we see Slim, it looks as if he was given that nickname ironically. He appears in a few other zapfic entries, and each time he had changed in some way.

🏍️ When David Guardia's father was much younger, the triple-threat entertainer of the day was Isis Chacon (a character inspired by Iris Chacón. She was a pioneer for many young women, including Jennifer Lopez and Sofia Vergara.

6️⃣5️⃣ 2023-May-12 01:08:45

● …
● Jury Duty summons during one of Pops' earlier hospital stays
● Last time Pops & I saw T2
● Watching WrestleMania 3 on Closed-Circuit TV
● Giants beat Patriots for Super Bowl XLII (42)
● Claiming rewards at blog
● …

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🏍️ These memories reflect life years before the zapfic serial. They give texture and substance to the relationship father and son had.

🏍️ The Jury Duty entry is based on a situation I had a few days before. Even if I could get out of Jury Duty, I was required to visit the court house in order to state my case. I even provided a picture showing my mother in a hospital bed and my Jury Duty summons on her bed.

🏍️ The World Wrestling Federation was beginning to take off in popularity during the 1980s thanks to the extravaganza known as WrestleMania. Before pay-per-view on cable television, there was closed-circuit TV viewing at special locations. The main event for WrestleMania 3 featured Andre the Giant versus Hulk Hogan. As soon as Hulk Hogan bodyslammed Andre the Giant, the WWF and professional wrestling entered a new era.

🏍️ #GHAWG takes place in the near future, so David Guardia has been blogging on Hive for at least 6 years; this means he joined Hive after Hive-D4 (2020-March-20). A few zapfic entries show him responding to notifications and reviewing his wallet page. What does he blog about? His go-to topic is motorcycle photography, but he does spend as much time threading about whatever he finds.

6️⃣6️⃣ 2023-May-13 00:04:21

● …
● Helping Pops walk during one of his hospital stays
● Last time Pops & I saw T2
● Claiming rewards at blog
● Getting The Call
● Pops' wake and funeral
● Work-induced weight loss
● Earning 20% in blog account's savings
● …

(Hyperlinks added for this post)
🏍️ David Guardia and his father were big fans of Terminator 2: Judgment Day, and both agree this movie featured Arnold Schwarzenegger at his height, or Peak Arnold.

🏍️ The day arrived when David Guardia's father would make his final hospital visit. While his father had fought pneumonia many times during the course of his life, on this occasion pneumonia would win. There's a reason it's known as the old people killer.

🏍️ As much as David Guardia wanted to do certain things he couldn't do during the years he was taking care of his father, he wasn't in a position to do so. While some people would fall into substance abuse after the death of someone close, David focused on his business and work. It's what kept the pain of his loss to a minimum.

🏍️ Thanks to a vote of Hive's witnesses, HBD placed in savings earns an APR of 20%. Given his increased work load, David Guardia decided to let HBD in savings do its thing for him.

6️⃣7️⃣ 2024-May-22 11:54:54 (originally published on 2023-May-14 @ 00:15:00 at /@magnacarta/re-leothreads-v7hnaaw9)

● …
● Turning over the business to Slim
● Leaving Bayonne
● Arriving in Allentown
● Solenoid cascade failure in East Palestine, Ohio
● Eating Spam
● Sharing my Big Wheel tale with Jacob Angel
● AnΓ­bal Rivera apologizing
● …

(Hyperlinks added for this post)
🏍️ Enough time has passed that Slim looks slim, and he had become David Guardia's most trusted courier. When David decided to leave it all behind, he left the business to Slim.

🏍️ Act 2 of this zapfic serial starts with David Guardia leaving his hometown of Bayonne, New Jersey, US to make his first stop Allentown, Pennsylvania, US.

🏍️ The remaining events are part of David Guardia's ride to Sturgis. They're also part of the tapestry of life as they show how everything is related to everything else.

🏍️ I'm making use of the "fact" that Aníbal Rivera (a character inspired by Geraldo Rivera) lives in Cleveland, Ohio when he's not working at the television studios. He ties into not only David Guardia's ride to STURGIS but also to his father's past as someone they had seen on TV.

6️⃣8️⃣ 2023-May-15 00:19:51

● …
● Vomiting Spam before watching fuel tanker explode
● Arm wrestling and then forfeiting winnings
● Meeting Manny Rey in Sandusky, Ohio
● Saluting riders on the road
● Finding a roll of silver quarters in Defiance, Ohio
● …

(Hyperlinks added for this post)
🏍️ Due to the unexpected expense of replacing the starter of his new used motorcycle, David Guardia ate Spam for several meals. Spam is OK, but it can get old very quickly for most people.

🏍️ David Guardia was just winging it during his ride, so he thought it would be fun to take part in an arm wrestling tournament. Most of the time, winning is fun for the winner. This is one of those times when it wasn't.

🏍️ Manny Rey is the man David Guardia had saved by using the Heimlich Maneuver at the moment when angry bar patrons wanted blood for how the arm wrestling tournament ended. He rode after David to thank him, and he found him in Sandusky, Ohio, US.

🏍️ Just as truckers greet other truckers on the road, motorcycle riders greet other motorcycle riders as they travel along the nation's roads, routes, and highways. It takes special people to drive trucks for a living, and it takes special people to ride motorcycles and being exposed to the elements and other vehicles.

🏍️ During a stop at Defiance, Ohio, US David Guardia went to the bank to buy rolls of quarters for parking. He hit the lottery and picked up a roll of 90% silver quarters.

6️⃣9️⃣ 2023-May-16 00:22:33

● …
● Getting a bird dropping in the park
● Seeing the shieldmaiden on TV
● Sinatra Hater
● Escaping the Rowdies in Indiana
● Potholes in South Bend
● Manny Rey performing magic tricks
● Manny Rey cracking a glass bottle
● …

(Hyperlinks added for this post)
🏍️ The bird dropping sets up an example of Manny Rey's uncanny predictive powers.

🏍️ Manny Rey noticed that David Guardia stopped channel surfing when he found that History Channel series about the Vikings. One of the main characters is the wife of the lead character, although David (and his father) had referred to her as "the shieldmaiden" for her prowess with weapons and her fighting skills.

🏍️ David Guardia saw a song by Frank Sinatra on the jukebox, and he wanted to listen to it. It was the only Sinatra song he saw listed, so he wanted to hear it. He had the bad luck to be sitting next to a Sinatra hater, and the hater slugged him. David turned ornery and brought the Sinatra hater to submission very quickly.

🏍️ After leaving Defiance, Ohio David Guardia and Manny Rey find themselves chased by a group of people they simply called "Rowdies"; they were able to leave the Rowdies behind, but it was a close call for them.

🏍️ South Bend, Indiana, US is known primarily for two things: Notre Dame University, and potholes. The pothole problem became worse in recent years.

🏍️ We discover two things: children love Manny Rey, and they don't like David Guardia. David realizes this about himself, and he just meekly acknowledges this negative aspect about himself.

🏍️ We've seen David Guardia fighting, but it's the first time we see Manny Rey act under criminal threat. Not only was he unfazed by what the criminals had in mind for him, but he showed them they they didn't have what it would take to remove him from the scene. It was like feeding a Mogwai after midnight: not a good idea.

7️⃣0️⃣ 2023-May-17 00:18:00

● …
● Rushing through Illinois
● Studying map in Barstow
● Fleeing rioters on reaching state lines
● Manny Rey telling me I would be OK no matter what happened
● Flying 100 feet through the air

Then I blacked out in mid-air.

(Hyperlinks added for this post)
🏍️ Rumors of civil unrest centered around Chicago, Illinois, US gave David Guardia and Manny Rey reason to get through the state as quickly as possible. It was also the longest stretch of time David had spent on the road as a motorcycle rider.

🏍️ David Guardia had found a paper map of the area near Barstow in western Illinois. It had a few interesting places on it. They were definitely unexpected for me as I was reviewing maps.

🏍️ Just when David Guardia and Manny Rey thought they were free from unrest in Illinois, unrest found them just a few miles from the border with Iowa. This would also be the most dramatic example of Manny Rey's uncanny predictive powers.

🏍️ The last thing David Guardia remembers is blacking out as he was tossed by that massive explosion. The flashback sequence had ended there.


Story Arc So Far

David Guardia's life is flashing before his eyes as he hurtles through the air after getting caught by an exploding fuel tanker. Most memories took place during the course of the daily zapfic serial, but some memories are from earlier in life. They are included to add to David's character development.


Next Week

Zapfic Entries 71-77 see David Guardia in the hospital and in a coma. The interlude between Act 2 and Act 3 continues.

GHAWG itself continues at LeoThreads, where Act 3 rolls on. Rhonda Bella and David Guardia learn a bit about each other, and they ride to Sturgis, South Dakota, US from eastern Iowa, US. The adventure continues.

Catch the latest zapfic entries for GHAWG at LeoThreads. Get caught up with GHAWG with these weekly summaries at LeoFinance and at the Scholar and Scribe community.


GHAWG Navigation

To find other weekly summary posts such as this one-- or to read the serial without annotated commentary-- use the GHAWG Navigation threadstorm at LeoThreads. Within LeoThreads, hashtag #GHAWGnav brings up the navigation.

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