Interacting with other cultures

When watching movies, it's not just the storyline or the actions I pay attention to; I also pay attention to the pattern of lifestyle there and always compare, laugh at some, and also applaud the ones I find amazing. Many times, I come across snow and how freezing the weather is, and I imagine myself there because I love cold weather, which is a total opposite of what we have in Nigeria.
Their food? I'm not sure if I'm a fan of junk food; oh yeah, I see most of the foreign foods as junk. So whenever I see them eating the kind of food we have in Nigeria, I always get amazed.

I don't have too many friends in a foreign land; I think it's just one that we talk very often, and each time we talk, we keep sharing and comparing cultures and lifestyles there.

Sometimes last month, it was a Sunday afternoon, and I had just returned from church. When I turned on my data, the first WhatsApp message that popped up in the notification was from my friend in the UK, and she said she had Afang soup in a restaurant in her living area in the UK.

I sent her a laughing emoji(🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣), and she was surprised at my laughs.

In case you don't know, Afang soup is a very popular soup in one of the southern parts of Nigeria, and it's seldom seen everywhere. So I was surprised when she came up with that, and also, she's not a Nigerian and not supposed to know what kind of soup Afang is.

We went on talking, and I found out that it's actually true from the photos she sent, and I was wowed!
I'm a Nigerian, and I hadn't tasted that soup because I don't actually get to visit the state where the soup is popular, and someone in the UK, someone who's not Nigerian, tasted the soup before me...I felt jealousLol😅

That's to show that in one way or another, there's a way the lifestyle and cultures are being mixed within different countries and continents. As long as there are people of a country in a foreign land, the lifestyle and culture follow them.
For them to have ingredients to prepare the soup there, that means either the leaf for the soup is grown there or it's being imported from Nigeria.

As we continued talking, I told her to check around because there's a possibility of bars in her area having palm wine, and she laughed.

It's very possible for palmwine to be there because I've seen in a foreign movie where palm wine was used, and I was baffled a lot on how it got there.

In case you don't know, palm wine is a very popular natural wine from a palm tree in Nigeria. I used to think that all Africans know it, but when I asked a South African, I found out that it's not popular there, or maybe it's because the person doesn't visit bushes, that's why the person doesn't know about palm wine.

She doubted the possibility of having palm wine in the UK because, according to her, palm trees are not seen in the UK, and since the wine is from a palm tree, it means that it can't be found, unless it's being imported.
Yeah, she doubted, but I'm sure there's palmwine there and there's possibility of them having a palmwine tapper tapping palmwine from a palm tree in one of their bushes.

Thanks for reading

This is for day 24 of #aprilinleo prompt.
Do well to read the full details here

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