Go to your happy place!

It is weekend here in snowy Holland, or better even said: vacation time! Vacation time or taking up just a crap bunch of overtime hours which have accumulated through this covid years. I don't know what the plan will be, but chillmode will be the mode of the week!

Time to think about a happy place! And that is just what this weeks Ladies of Hive post of the week is all about. Thinking about what your happy place is. For some it is a feeling, for some it is a literal location, I guess for me it is a little bit of both


As I have written before for like a 100 times already I am not the biggest fan of being in an airplance. I read this book once about how to act rational in a plane and one of the thing stated in there was:

The plane will not go down any less if you squeeze your chair into pieces

I had to laugh at this so hard because this was literally what I was always (and still am) doing. Squeeze the seat and everything will be fine. But what really does help is thinking about something nice. A nice place or a nice moment and in times like that in a plane while squeezing I always had to think about roadtrips with my two best buddies from back then while we were driving towards the snow. Going through the tunnels in Switzerland with the music blasting louder than loud, cracking jokes and trying to get our voices as high as Matthew Bellamy while singing Muse songs.

That...on the road right there is a happy place.

But happy places also have to be something a bit more sustainable and not just a feeling. The have to be a place where you want to be, a picture which you are able to visualize. I have two way happy places with beaches and snow which are not really combinable.


If you would ask me something impossible, I would love to be on a beach the one week, and go skiing and play with snow the next one. And with beach I mean a beach like this, crytstal clear water, silence, kites and coctails.

And with snow I would mean 3 feet deep snow but also with perfect blue skies and visibility and with heaps of friends right there tagging along. You just can not have it all.


But the one thing that comes back in all of these happy places is that good company has to be there. Whether if it is my +1 or a group of friends, for the happy place that can change by the day.

But being outdoors and having extreme landscapes around me, that is my happy place and that will always keep me from squeezing my chair to pieces. And now... it is happy vacay time.!

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