Simple Way To Make Extra Income: Poultry

Hy to all productive ladies of hive am sure you are having an awesome weekend. Its Friday again, do not forget to have some fun.

I will like to share with you an easy way of making income without stress which involves starting a poultry farm.


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This is one of the things I did after graduation because searching for a job wasn’t easy and the stress involved is something I never wished a friend should pass through but I am glad I’ve been able to secure one and I wish those who are still in search, their dream job too.

I will like to start by defining what poultry is about.


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What is poultry

The process of rearing chicks from a day old to mature stage whereby they can be sold for income is known as poultry.


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Although there are different ventures of poultry, some people choose to rear broilers (meat), some layers (egg) and so on but I choose the broilers because they don’t require much of stress.

Here are duties I carry out every day for my poultry farm

Changing their water and feeds

I do change their water and food in the morning and at sunset. This is where the task lies but I tell you it is not difficult. Just to change the water then add more food to their trays.

Sweeping the poultry room

Sweeping the poultry room isn’t that stressful because I just get broom, bring them out and ensure the place is tidied. I use to keep them on a surface with sawdust.

There is something important I want you to note, which I will state in the latter part of this guide.

Give them their appropriate diet and medication at their required age

There would be a time you have to give them a certain diet, please keep to their nutrition and medication. They will grow fine and big.


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Do good to learn first

In everything you do, especially if it’s the poultry, visit a nearby poultry farm so you can learn. It’s very simple as you can think if you follow their procedures effectively. If not you can also lose if you don’t.

I started without learning it because I thought they are similar to the local fowls not until all died.

At stage of maturity I sell my birds for NGN4000 – NGN8000 per birds depending on their size. If you wish to make more profit from the sales, get up to 100 birds from chick then nurture them. Your second name would be the richest woman in town.


  • Do not expose the chicks to heat.

  • Do not expose them to excess cold.

  • Do not expose them to mosquitoes and ants.

I usually used Izal to mope their floor. I made their floor with tiles so sometimes ants find their ways in and harm them. But when you use Izal to mope their floor there won’t be the presence of ants anymore.

  • Allow proper ventilation to them at appropriate timing.
    Sometimes when am at work, I assign someone to help me take care of them.

You don’t need to be scared if you will see buyers, there are thousands of buyers for your chicks. Just rear them.


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Thanks for reading.


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