How to Make Spicy Chicken Fried Bread


photo by me

Yooo hello my fellow hivers and all hive communities from around the world wherever you are. come back again with me Jodi Pamungkas and Ema on the food and snack recipe blog that is very easy for you to make at home without requiring a lot of money and time. Happy Friday to all of you who are on vacation with your family or at home to get ready to welcome the month of fasting, I hope you are all well and given health to fast. thank you to all communities and hivers who have visited and supported my previous post regarding the recipe for how to make potato cakes. what do you think about the cakes? Is it very suitable for your family or is it for sale? give your feedback below this post. Well, this Friday I will share another unique bread for you. This bread is fried and filled with shredded chicken mixed with various spicy chilies. for those of you spicy lovers, just read the recipe below until it's finished and don't forget to leave your comments. good luck Hivers!


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Well, the ingredients for making this spicy chicken fried bread certainly don't cost a lot and you can get all these ingredients at the nearest supermarket or market. the first ingredient you have to prepare is enough chicken, breadcrumbs, onion, garlic, red chili, flavoring, oyster sauce, sweet soy sauce, eggs, ground pepper, flour and sugar. after you have prepared all the ingredients Now, let's start with the first step of making fried bread stuffed with spicy chicken.


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the first step, what you have to prepare is to prepare a place and put the chicken that you cleaned before, enough water and a few lime leaves so that the chicken is more fragrant. after that, boil the chicken over medium heat until the chicken is really tender and cooked.


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the second step, after the chicken has been boiled until cooked and tender, now what you have to do next is prepare a place and put 15 tablespoons of medium protein flour, 4 tablespoons of granulated sugar, half a tablespoon of yeast and 1 sachet of milk powder. after that , stir the dry mixture until well blended.


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the third step, after the dry dough has been mixed well, now add enough water and 1 egg yolk. Then, knead by hand until the dough is half smooth.


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the fourth step, after the dough has changed its texture to half smooth, now all you have to add is half a teaspoon of salt and 2 tablespoons of margarine into the dough. knead the dough again until it's really soft and smooth.


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the fifth step, after the dough feels soft and smooth, now cover the dough with a clean cloth and let the dough rest for about 1 hour.


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the sixth step, while the dough is being left for 1 hour, now we will return to the chicken that has been boiled. Then, what you have to do now is shred the chicken in small sizes or according to your wishes until it is finished.


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seventh step, after you have shredded the chicken to completion, now all you have to prepare on the plate are some ingredients such as 5 cloves of red onion, 3 cloves of garlic and enough red chili or you can use cayenne pepper.


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the eighth step, after you have prepared some ingredients like the previous photo, now prepare a blender and puree all the ingredients. Don't forget to give enough mineral water into the blender to make it easy to puree.


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the ninth step, after you have smoothed the ingredients, now put the fine ingredients into the pan. Don't forget to put enough cooking oil first into the pan and after that stir-fry the ingredients until they are really fragrant on medium heat.


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the tenth step, after the chili ingredients are fragrant, now all you have to add to the chili ingredients is the chicken that you have shredded before. Then, add half a teaspoon of salt, half a teaspoon of sugar, half a teaspoon of flavoring, half a teaspoon of pepper powder, 1 tablespoon of sweet soy sauce and 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce. If you want it to be spicier, you can add chili sauce to your liking. Next, cook until the red chili is dry over medium heat.


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the eleventh step, after you have finished with the fried bread filling, now we will return to the dough that has been rested. Now, prepare a work mat and sprinkle with flour so that the dough does not stick. Then, round all the pieces of dough until it's done.


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the twelfth step, after the dough has been rounded, now take 1 dough and flatten it a little like the photo above, then, put the shredded chicken that has been cooked to your liking. after that, close the dough tightly and don't let it slip away. Repeat this step until all the dough is finished in the filling of the shredded chicken.


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the thirteenth step, after you have filled all the spicy chicken suir into the dough, now prepare a bowl and put the egg whites that you have separated before. Then, dip the dough into the egg whites evenly.


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the fourteenth step, after the dough has been dipped in egg white, now all you have to do is prepare a plate and put the breadcrumbs into the plate. Then, coat the dough with breadcrumbs evenly. Repeat the previous step and this step until finished.


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the fifteenth step, after all the dough has been smeared with breadcrumbs, now arrange it on a baking sheet and cover the dough with a clean cloth so that the dough rises slightly for about 10 to 15 minutes.


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the last step, after the dough has slightly risen from before, now fry the dough on low heat until both sides of the dough are evenly cooked.


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and finally, you can sell spicy chicken stuffed fried bread or enjoy it with your family and friends. it tastes very delicious and tasty, all my friends really like this fried bread and they want to buy this fried bread, unfortunately me and Ema only make it once hehehehe. what do you think? quite interesting isn't it? give your feedback below this post. thank you for those of you who have read and stopped by my post today regarding the recipe for how to make spicy chicken fried bread. don't forget to give your advice and support for me and Ema to be more enthusiastic about sharing the next interesting recipe. see you in a unique and delicious recipe others with me, Jodi Pamungkas and Ema. good luck !

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