The expressions of language in communication

The verbal mimicking by infants and children under five is one of the measures of developmental milestones. Children are often believed to have a better grasp of languages than adults. Language is a basic form of communication, and I have a relative who is unable to speak; thus, I value and appreciate what communication is with respect to language. The play of language and communication is two-sided: the speaker and the spoken-to, the sender and the receiver. Being able to pass on information and be understood is a mode of inclusiveness for me.

I'm a Nigerian, and beyond the acceptable English language as the formal means of communication, I speak and write fluently in Nupe and Yoruba, the former being my tribe. I am not perfect in the two languages aforementioned, but I am able to flow unhindered or without space for the detection of anomalies. The important role my family played in helping me speak my language was the mandotoriness of the Nupe language within the house. I grew up being spoken to via the Nupe language, and I embraced this willingly.

I am domiciled in a Yoruba-dominated community, and this has influenced the number of languages I have been exposed to. Recently, I still got an observation from a lady who was surprised I could speak the Yoruba language fluently. However, a few keen listeners have identified my intonation as alien to the typical Yoruba language. However, being able to communicate fluently using the common language in the community makes me feel inclusive and a part of a larger society.


Language goes beyond speaking. Ever heard of foul language? Languages are expected to be civil and respectful. The manner of presentation of spoken words as a language determines how acceptable such words would be to the listeners.



Growing up in Africa as a child exposed me to different forms of communication, and the funniest of them was that of expression. Whenever we did anything wrong as children, especially in public, the facial expressions of our parents and guardians were enough to reset our actions and inactions. Many times, our parents' side eyes, frown, or nod of head passed more . messages than when spoken to verbally. Expressions usually tell if a deed or inaction is approved or not. Sometimes, an expression of approval with a smile from our parents may be the only language of appreciation we receive.



Gestures do come in the form of hands or body movements. A hand wave can signal an individual to continue or desist from an action. Gestures may work when verbal communication is not convenient. Gestures can, however, be misunderstood as they are subjective and, unless expressed clearly, may be misleading.



We have all written some texts at one point or another. Writing comes as a language of communication. Oftentimes, when friends are not communicated through the language of voice or body, the pen does the magic, inscribing in the content that was desired to be communicated.



Symbols are drawings of shapes, usually as signposts, that communicate to viewers or passersby. The messages are often limited and usually bold as a means of communication. Symbols are often used on the roadside to give directions.


This stems from the notion of involving, representing, and identifying with a majority of people, which can be facilitated through laws or policies. Inclusivity brings a sense of belonging, and it is desired that many hands be satisfied, even if not all. I hope we can have policies that favor and incorporate the majority rather than the minority.

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