November 2022 Numbers

The end of the month of November has arrived and from my mid-month HIVE numbers STAYING THE COURSE until today, there was a slower step forward.

The tail end of month, I got married, took a road trip to Georgia for the elopement and some family time with my wife and her boys, as well as driving home on Thanksgiving. Then getting back to work for my employers after a week off and playing catchup.

Along the way, I still didn't miss a day of activity on HIVE, albeit less for obvious reasons.

I'm always working on very little time as it is between my workouts, running events, full time job and family life. How I manage to be present on HIVE daily without missing a day since February 2021 boggles my own mind.

Here we are already mid-week and looking at my numbers for this post and there was still progress with the numbers I mostly focus on, although there are other growth points with other projects and tokens.

I believe whole-heartedly in two things and that comes with aspirations of becoming an entrepreneur and somethings I learned much later in life and why I'm playing from behind on that path.

Showing up daily is crucial in today's dynamic to growing a business, income or a brand. The thing is, that today's technology and the availability of massive options of social media applications makes for really no excuse not to be present consistently.

Of course, if I would have used that knowledge years ago my progress would have been ten fold by now.

Being on HIVE has made me appreciate those core approaches to earning and growing here on this amazing blockchain.

I show up daily and I make sure to be as visible as possible.

Of course, if everything goes according to plan, those of us who are interested in more than just the price of HIVE and believe in the developing projects that provide actual use cases, many of us will be on HIVE full time or at the very least be able to live comfortably as we age out.

The amazing applications that we have access to on this blockchain allows for us to be present EVERYDAY.

Underpriced attention should not be taken for granted. HIVE will be mammoth and when it does reach that level, it won't be as easy for those after us and if some of us teeter on the price point and not look at the overall long-term picture, it won't be as easy to grow that stack inexpensively including time dedicated to it.

I'm so grateful to see that my numbers continue to grow and I will always want to be further ahead, but I don't dwell on that, because I'm stoked to be where I'm at. It shows that whatever I'm doing is on the upward swing and not stagnant.

The highlight of that chart above is that I'm so close to hitting the 4,000 HIVE power mark. My initial goal was hitting 5,000 by the end of 2022, but that was unrealistic so I figured 4,000 was doable. I actually thought it would happen more in the early part of 2023, but it's looking like this December I should hit it.

My HBD just keeps increasing quickly. I felt like I hit 1,000 rather quickly so I'm excited about that growth as well as my LEO Power, which is my biggest regret of not going all in on when I had the chance early on.

I remain in the Top 10 with my ListNerds and ListNerds CTP staked, which was a goal I set for myself when I started tracking these numbers.

If you have been following my journey, you know that I was online marketing for a second time when I joined HIVE through CLICK.TRACK.PROFIT and their training.

Growing a list of subscribers and ownership of that list is a driven and hardcore practice for many years and although the click thru and open rates are shitty these days it still something that is essential to a growing business or brand.

I overhauled my list subscriber generation to focus on informing folks about HIVE and the dApps on HIVE. Of course, that has hurt my numbers, because before that I was growing my list giving away free advertising and folks are just leery about crypto, so it is what it is.

I'm sticking to it and totally ok with not getting as many people joining my list as long as some of them join HIVE eventually. With that said, I have to generate a bigger list to make that happen.

With all that said and the lack of time that I give to it, I still added another 35 subscribers in November:

Pushing me closer to 300 subscribers

This is encouraging, because the minimal time I put into my email marketing, I do have a weekly routine that still produces.


Let's Gooooooooooooooooo!!!

*HIVE Image in the Divider Courtesy of @doze

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