Test Chase!

So, I just came out from the test hall a few minutes ago. I pulled an all-nighter so I could get the final revision together and you know that feeling when you ask yourself why you even read too much because the test questions were more or less easy peasy? That’s how I felt. But I’m aware it’s cause I prepared well. And I’d rather be over-prepared for a test and have it looking rather basic than under-prepared and spend the two hours in the test hall regretting why I didn’t prepare enough. Been there. Done that. Never going back.

Anyway, I’m back in my dorm room and with the not-so-constant existence of power supply, I decided to get my Leo power up post together after powering up. I know how things can get with power outages so who wouldn’t want to take advantage of a fan blowing over their heads to do the needful?

Anyway, enough talk. I’ll just skip right to my Leo Power Up. If I’m being honest, I only became invested in building my stake quite recently. I mean I knew everything about powering up on the 15th and how necessary it is to be consistent in this tradition as a way of increasing our LEO stake but since becoming somewhat active on #threads, I’ve become more keen on keeping up with this tradition. So even on months where I don’t make a post, I’d be sure to power up.

My LEO Power was just about 450, which is way less than a lot of people who knew about LEO when I did. Anyway, I hadn’t gathered too much liquid LEO in the last month but I’m happy to have at least acquired 100 liquid LEO to power up for this month bringing my stake to about 550 LP. I loved how simple the whole process was, by the way doing it with the inleo.io frontend.

The other times I remember trying to power up with the Inleo front-end, it hadn’t been this smooth and I’m glad the constantly updated front-end makes powering up seamless enough for anyone to do, even with their mobile phones. Running the transaction took me not more than a minute and a half or two at the most and I was immensely glad for it.

I’m looking forward to growing more of my LEO stake as the month progresses and one of the best ways to do it is by engaging more on #threads, posting more using the Inleo platform and generally powering up in order to build our stake. I hope to be able to power at least 200 LEO next month by applying all of this, so let’s see how it goes.

Oh well, that’s all for now. Will be taking a rest so I can prepare for the next test but in the meantime, I hope for those who aren’t aware of the April Inleo Prompts, that they take advantage of this and see all the interesting daily topics that it has to offer. Of which today’s prompt is #lpud.

Have a blissful last half of the month!


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