Splinterlands: Cursed Windeku versus Cursed Windeku but having more moneys gets me the win

Splinterlands is a complex game and it allows for various different cards and strategies. Each fight is different as there are various different rulesets applied and this can give specific cards an advantage depending on how you use them. In this post, I talk about a great battle that I had and it's about the card Cursed Windeku. It was a fairly low mana match but the difference was in how me and my opponent used the low mana cap to our advantage.

Featured Cards

Cursed Windeku is death monster that starts off with thorns. It learns heal at level 5 and slow at level 8. I have mine at level 5 so it has both heal and thorns. It makes it a very good tank but there are only a few summoners where I can use that heal ability.

Rule set, Battle and Plan

rule set.png

The ruleset this time is Lost Legendaries. This means that no legendary monsters can be used in this match. There is also 12 mana and I have the choice of water, earth, or death splinter.

My summoner is Thaddius Brood for its level. This summoner reduces my enemies' magic and health by 1. It also lets me use my cards to their highest level.

SplinterMana CostPositionReason
Thaddius Brood4Summoner-1 Magic and Health
Cursed Windeku61stHeal and Thorns
Weirding Warrior22ndShatter
Total Mana:12

I start off with Cursed Windeku as my tank because of thorns and heal. It will survive quite a bit and any melee monsters that attack it will take counter damage. At the same time, I have a ranged monster to deal some damage from the back. It has shatter to remove any armor and let my melee damage deal more damage against my opponent.

Round 1

round 1.png
At first glance, I think that I have a slight advantage but the match could go either way. I have a ranged monster to deal more damage while my opponent has resurrect and dodge. One thing to note is that if my opponent dodges an attack from me, I can avoid the counter damage so it can help me a bit. In the end, this match will depend on who can kill off the Cursed Windeku first.

I was able to win the match a few rounds later because I was able to land enough attacks. My damage and thorns was enough to finish off my opponent.


The battle this time around went exactly as I expected. Cursed Windeku worked well as a tank because it could keep healing itself. The damage added up over time and dodging attacks worked to my advantage. It made my Cursed Windeku harder to kill and the extra ranged damage helped me outdamage my opponent. So it looks like I made better use of the 12 mana in this match and won the match.

You can see my entire match here.

What did you think of my match? Was there anything you would have done differently? I think it is quite interesting to see how different players use the same card.

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