Less gurus blah blah, and more souls ...

All the experts in emotions, courses, motivators and so on talk about how you have to feel free and independent "to evolve and endless blah, blah, blah and blah. And I express myself this way about the blablabla because little is said about the mercy and compassion that we must have for ourselves to be emotionally free.

In addition to being more compassionate with ourselves, we must also rescue kindness as a tool of life with everyone.

How exhausted is the world of those who are kind on social networks and with whom it suits them or generate sales, but DO NOT lift a finger for another human being. I would say there should be fewer gurus and more souls.

We certainly have the.divine permission to err because that is the way to learn that good love is merciful and as immense as the sea, so this life, loves us kind and loving.

We insist on punishing ourselves with the past, hiding everything in our unconscious through remorse, anxiety, frustrations, complexes or the complex of self-sufficiency, that which stagnates us in the well of I can't.

The solution is to love yourself, it's more self-love and self-esteem without measure to be well and to be able to have mercy on others. And is it easy? Well, no, it's not, we already know how hard it is for us to practice it.

To think that many times we do not know why we fall into difficult situations within relationships of any kind. And as always happens in complex relationships, every victim needs an executioner and incidentally seeks him consciously or unconsciously, this is sometimes difficult to understand like all the realities of life.

Self-esteem is the key to living better, it is to get out of "the darkest night" when we look inward, integrating lights and shadows.

That's when it is decided to continue being the ugly duckling, or the resurgence of the phoenix bird, our best version of what we have always been, and ignoring who we are.

Has it happened to you that, as you get to know yourself more, the storms are shorter and the load lighter? And it's not that the storm is over, it's that I can make it shorter and cope with it better. We have to love each other, and sometimes it seems that we forget and we also fall into the emotional blah blah blah.

The reasons are very diverse and that's why there is no single answer, about what helps us?

This post talks about the importance of self-knowledge to understand why we behave in a certain way and from there to act for the good to do and well-being.

Janitze. 🌹

Separator made with Canva by @janitzearratia

Any images in this post are taken with my iPhone 12, the Infinix pro-note 30 or with the camera eighties Rolleiflex 2.8 f, and edited with Canva

Translation with |DeepL

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