The Life-Saving Power of Emergency Funds: A Lesson from Camila in Queen of the South

I might have been preaching about having an emergency fund without understanding how the feeling of going to bed knowing that you have stashes of money that can get you out of trouble if a situation warrants one and waking up to something unexpected that flushes all of the funds away as though it was not there.

Today, I had my fair share of experience. I can now beat my chest that I understand the feeling of losing a life support and lifeline because of emergencies. Those unplanned events take you by surprise and you had no choice but to dip into your savings and save yourself.
The essence of emergency funds therefore can not be overemphasized. If you do not like being vulnerable especially when it comes to asking for financial aid then you should really do yourself a favor and always have some of that hard-earned money waiting somewhere for you.

Yesterday, I had watch a particular season of the series, Queen of the South. And I saw how Camila had to dip her hands into her buffer, her reserve as they called it, just to fix an emergency. A situation that if she did not have the reserve, she would have lost the trust of her business partners and be out of business. I admired this so much that I patted myself on the back for understanding and seeing how much a reserve helps in dire situations.

I did not that the universe was preparing me for something of that nature. I did not have to shamefully stay stuck with my emergency today because I had a reserve. Initially, I was angry at myself for making such a huge mistake that cost me a large sum of money. But once I remembered Camila had more than her fair share of emergencies and she kept an open mind when she dealt with each one, I encouraged myself to move past it, because it's said that "Problem doesn't ever finish".

I acted all mature and settled the score with my situation until everything was back to normalcy. I did learn to be extremely careful and of course to start putting back my emergency funds. This event helped me to realize just how easily it could take for someone to go down the hills if they don't have a plan B.

And how it's always so weird that someone is rich today and is nothing to write home about the next day. It's mostly a result of terrible financial decisions like not having a reserve like Camila did, which made it impossible to deal with those situations and get out of them alive.

They have been so focused on spending every dime without thinking about tomorrow or possibly thinking that there's more where that came from.

Cutting to the chase, it's good to have an emergency fund, it will not only give you a sense of security but will also make you confident knowing that you can handle any stressful uncertainties. At the same time, the flexibility to still withstand unexpected expenses or having to deal with a job loss is something that you shouldn't trade for any fair-weather enjoyment at the moment.

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