BTC & Threads: The Battle for Control and Freedom through Crypto's Rise & WEB3's Promises

Now that Vanguard owns $560 million worth of Bitcoin mining stocks I believe Anna was right in the movie, Inventing Anna, when she mentioned that there's a lot of money out there and one just needs to know how to get a piece of the pie.

To other people, this might sound like a big move in the sense that big purchases like this one could move the price of BTC upwards. To us, in this space, we are identifying the move of the centralized folks as trying to surround the king of crypto and making sure that they have some sort of control over this industry.
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Giving this control to them means they have the largest bag which conflicts with the real ideal of Bitcoin when Satoshi Nakamoto first came up with decentralized systems. We already know that in the centralized world, money is concentrated in the hands of a few individuals and this is why BTC came to our rescue.

Crypto was the call to action in the form of digital currency to make sure that money circulates to even the tiniest individual who has a share in the market no matter how tiny their share is. Now that the big players are vying for a piece of the pie, it's clear the control they are seeking is mostly because they couldn't do anything to stop the industry from operating.

They have tried several methods like threatening with regulations and court cases using some of the downfalls we have experienced in the system in the last few months to sway the public. Now that it seems the more they try to squash it, the stronger we get, they decide to do what they know how to do best.. pump dollars into the system and gain some control...

Is this a way of saying, "If you can't beat them, join them?" You can answer that for yourself.

Apart from Wall Street and Vanguard trying to get into the Crypto world, we have seen how our beloved threads had been copied by our long-standing copycat, Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Meta formerly known as Facebook. Someone mentioned in the city that we should probably try to fight to keep the name. And I thought that would be a wrong move because it would mean passing through a centralized system to ask for the name of our project back.

So it's better to do our best and run the course of our vision instead of looking at the competition. After all, soon enough, WEB2 will be a thing of the past as it paves the way for WEB3. In short, this Mark's move only clearly shows that our thread's initiative is a good one, Mark saw that the world is moving towards microblogging, and he also wants a piece of the pie.

So it only seems fair to him that he tries to get into the game before another person. But we were already there before him and the failures of so many establishments who tried to copy some good ideas is a prove that it's not just about having the funding for a project, they will need community support to rally around and make it work.

By the time the rest of the world is tired of the censorship premises that WEB2 thrives upon, we will be here standing tall and waiting to embrace their transition from WEB2 to WEB3. So we are actually not competing with all the big corporations in WEB2, we are basically creating an environment where the rest of the world will match into and be free from censorship and take ownership of their texts, videos, graphics, and whatever content they create and connect with their friends and follows.

Mark's copying nature begs the question again, "Is this a typical example of, if you can't beat them join them?" A few years in this space will bring clarity to these questions, don't go anywhere.

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