Start building the right foundation to become financially secure

I saw this title in my mail today and I couldn't resist. I needed to share it with you guys as well. The right foundation is always an important part of a building. Without it, even the scripture says, the wind will blow off the house. When we talk about foundations in business or personal finance, we are talking about a stronghold that helps you make quality decisions as you invest in layers upon layers of assets.
The portfolio you invest in may look really cool on the outside, to other people, most especially when there's a lot of hype around such a portfolio, but, if you did not have the right foundation to make buying decisions then you are looking to be ruined and lose your hard-earned money.

Ignorance is only bliss to those who do not understand that the world works with information. Being knowledgeable will always put you a step further in anything that you do including your wealth-building journey. So you already know the right foundation is being knowledgeable.

If you are not doing your due diligence and acting upon them then you are headed for financial ruin. You need knowledge and understanding to access the right assets. Robert Kiyosaki said in his mail that increasing your cash flow is possible with the right assets. And that once you increase this part of your financial life, you can always buy more assets and fill up the blank spaces and build wealth.

But you can only do this with knowledge. If you don't know something, it eludes you, and certain doors will remain locked to you. You will need the knowledge to unlock certain doors and since you are aiming for financial independence, it's rightly important that you do yourself a favor and learn about the different industries that you are interested in or whose values align with yours.

Once you start researching and adding to your knowledge about the world of money and investment, you will find other individuals who have gone on to make something tangible for themselves and you can learn from them, chart your own path, and follow through to wealth building.

The right foundation would also help you understand and embrace diversification. No one will be telling you that life is uncertain and even the market goes through rough patches sometimes so you would do well to protect your assets and your money by diversifying your portfolio.

Apart from the fact that your assets will be protected through diversification, you will also understand that you need to invest based on your risk tolerance profile and you must bear the long-term outlook in mind, knowing that you can't get rich quickly but you need to take it slow and steadily until you achieve financial freedom.

For this journey, a lot of patience will be required and you need the discipline to stay put regardless of the market conditions and follow through your wealth-building processes.

You will always find the knowledge you require from reading, researching, attending seminars, or learning from reputable financial advisors.

It's worth mentioning that your emotions will also play a part in this. So when you are acquiring knowledge, acquire those that will teach you how to manage your emotions. Poor investment choices are often made when you allow fear or greed to erode your ability to think straight.

However, if you do make financial or investment mistakes along the way, it's okay, but you must learn from them, grow and look for ways to improve. This will go a long way to setting up for success in the long run. You shouldn't forget the power of compounding interest, this is why you need to play the long game, wait it out, and allow time to reflect on the growth of your assets as you build wealth.

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