Building Wealth with Value & Purpose

Quite after Cristal found herself a husband in Blake and they supported each other through the various scandals and murder mysteries, Sam, her nephew tagged along. Initially, he dates Steven, but seeing that they both shared someone joined in the Holy Solemnization of the Carrington family, they decided to cut it off. Plus, Sam initiated a robbery that placed him in a bad place with Steven.
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The focus today isn't on any of the scandalous characters nor is it about Steven who parades the house of the Carrington with a morality sticker on his face even though he has blood on his hands. Tonight, you'll be meeting the characters, Anders and Sam.

Anders has been taking care of the family right from when he stole from Senior Carrington and he offered him a job. Now, Sam parades the house eating twice as much food as anyone else and leisurely lying around doing nothing until Anders decides he should put himself to good use.

You see Anders had a past much similar to Sam. According to him, he had roamed around with no purpose until Senior Carrington gave him one. And he did want Sam to end up in a better position as he did instead of mindlessly staying idle and being the devil's workshop. While trying to persuade Sam to make himself useful he said;

I can relate to your aimlessness, your irreverence. Your life has been hard, so you think you deserve an advantage. Dynasty

Sam answers;

There's nothing wrong with taking something if someone's offering Dynasty

And Anders finishes with;

There's something wrong with never earning anything yourself Dynasty

Earn your place on the table

You see, Anders might have been trying to help Sam to get something doing instead of aimlessly roaming the manor of the Carrington but there's wisdom in his words. In a generation where people want some of the best things to be handed to them, Anders shares that it's wrong to always want something to be handed to you without necessarily earning it.

This means there's honor and respect in earning your place anywhere you find yourself. Yes, the people might be kind enough to let you stay idle for a while but not for long. They will soon get tired of you and want you out since you are merely acting like a scavenger, hunting for prey to rip off without necessarily adding any value to them.

Add value and more value

Speaking of value, Anders might not have put it clearly, but what he wanted Sam to do was to be useful, and add value to the Carrington. To buttress the point that Anders made, one of those mornings, Fallon told Sam to his face that no one needed his opinion in the house unless he is a Carrington or work for them.

Value is something a lot of us do not know that we need to get a hold of to get a foot in the door. Without value, there will be a limit to how much kindness you will receive and how long. But value sets you apart, and allows you to have a seat at the table and to have something to say and be heard.

Without value, you are mindlessly living like Sam did, with no purpose. So if you haven't found out how you could add value to anyone to exchange that for a fee, then, you need to dig harder.

Wealth & Value

Building wealth revolves around value so much that the two can't exist without the other. Businesses understand this, which is why they are always striving to make sure they have winning products and take their competitors off their clients. Individually, as people who want to be financially stable, it's of utmost importance that we take value seriously.

Value might be relative but that doesn't mean we should keep ourselves away from figuring out what the next person would pay us for and to pitch it to them while filling up our bags.

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