Shaping Your Financial Destiny Through Conscious Choices

Okay, let's wrap this up. The end is near, Anne is about to sell off the company she invested in at the start of the movie. Lisa is devasted. Everything she worked for will soon be going down the drain. Cassidy got into an accident while trying to unravel Anne. Todd and Angela are trying to get rid of Doctor Evans so they can finally start afresh.
Shaping Your Financial Destiny Through Conscious Choices.png
Lionel embraces the dark side of Marcos. Sean is off to serve terms for trying to cover up the murder of the man who sexually harassed Cassidy. Everyone seems to have gotten what was coming and to some of us we would think that's how fate works, the universe works in this way, paying everyone in their own coins, whether profit or loss.

But Ann doesn't agree with that shallow thinking, according to her;

The weak amongst us may prefer to imagine their lives are determined by fate, by forces beyond their control. But fate is a lie. There's only a choice. The choice to create or destroy. Triumph or surrender. Survive or perish.What IF

I think she was right to an extent. We pretend that fate takes control of the things that happen to us but that's not completely true, is it? We tend to forget that the decisions we make alter whatever happens next. There are many choices that we make and if we look closely we will see that those choices turn into bleak futures. And we begin to blame the market or any of the factors that we could lay our fingers upon... it doesn't work that way at all times, yes, we can't predict the future but we can always create it. The ways we can do this is by checking the choices that we make.. some them of include;

Detailed budgeting

We could decide to create detailed budget plans to help us track our income and expenses so that we can manage our money more effectively.

The money that comes into our pocket will not wind up disappearing without a trace. We shouldn't have a good sum of money one minute, and the next minute we can't seem to figure out what tangible thing we did with it. At this point, we will begin to be reactive instead of being proactive.

Consistent Saving and Investing

We could decide to set aside a portion of our income for all our financial goals. We could even invest some of those savings wisely for a chance at earning good returns. These will be returns that are bound to beat inflation every year and give us something to rely upon for the rest of our lives.

Instead of mindlessly keeping the money in the bank to be eaten away by inflation and enriching the pockets of the bank, we should learn to send our money on an errand to make more for us.

Debt repayment

We could prioritize our debt and start making plans to take them out of the way so that the interest will not be accumulating so much and mess with our mental health. Being in debt takes away the joy of making money and seeing it sit there for as long as we want it to because we know that it's ours for the taking.

Building emergency funds

We could choose to build our emergency fund so that no matter the unexpected expenses that shows up now, tomorrow, or next tomorrow, it will be well taken care of. As long as we have life, uncertainties are bound to be a part of it. So emergencies will always take place and we need funding to take care of them whenever they show up.

Increase our earning potential

We could even proceed to look for ways to increase our income, whether it's getting a better job opportunity by improving our skills or getting a side hustle. We can decide to cut unnecessary expenses and make proper plans for our retirement by investing in the necessary retirement plans that will compound as we build strong foundations.

Our financial goals should align with our lifestyle so we will not be shooting ourselves in the leg by embracing lifestyle inflation as our earnings increase.

We could understand that everything about life revolves around economics and that there will always be profit and loss. As such we should be prepared to welcome it because there's no beginning without an end.

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