For my better future generation+LPUD

Every human is unique and different from each other, and it is their character that makes the world beautiful and interesting. I believe that without the uniqueness of humans, the world would be boring because it's the specialties that make one curious about another human. If everyone became the same, then nobody would be curious about anyone.

The personality of a human is unique, but most of its characteristics come from a combination of parents and grandparents. Because of the combination, new kinds of characteristics can be created, which is very natural from the perspective of genetics. Again, humans get some of the characteristics directly from their parents. it can be from father or it can from mother. Some characteristics are good, and we can call them strengths, and again, some characteristics are not good, which can be considered weaknesses. Although there is no chance of choosing the characteristics of my children or future generation because human genetic modification is not allowed, I still want to see some of my characteristics in my future generation, and again, I also don't want to see some of my characteristics in my future generation.

I am the one who has a cool mind, and I can act pretty well based on the situation. In any kind of danger or critical situation, I don't feel nervous, and I can take decisions with a calm mind. This is such a kind of characteristic that can make many things in life, and it's very helpful to being satisfied and happy. I want these characteristics of mine to transfer to my child or future generation, as well as to my future kids. I want to transfer it because it's a strength, and I believe that these characteristics can reduce the complexities of life for my future generation. I think reducing the complexities of life is the best thing I can do for my upcoming generation.

Again, I have one characteristic that I don't want to see in the personalities of my future kids as well as in my future generation. It's the robotic kind of mentality of mine. Indeed, I can think like a robot, but in the last few years, I have been trying to come out of it. There is no doubt that there are a lot of benefits to having a robotic mentality, and making time productive is the most significant one. Instead of it, sometimes I feel bad because, for it, I missed many moments which were very special to me, although those moments have nothing to do with making the day productive. Those are the moments that could give me satisfaction, but I missed them just for having roboting mentality. Time was already lost, and I could not go back to the past to correct my mistake. Life gave me some shock, and after that, I realized that only making the day productive is not enough, and our emotions are also very important, and the moments were really important. I don't want my future generation to repeat the same thing which I have done. So I would love to not transfer the characteristics to my future generation.

By the way, it's April 15th, and the 15th day of each month is known as LPUD. So today I powered up 211 Leo.

I have taken one little step forward to increase my growth. Have you done yours?


If you think that I violated any rules of this platform or my word hurting you or I made any mistakes here , let me inform about it through comments or my other social network . I will try to correct it if I made any mistakes.

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