Some Encounters at the Park

Magandang buhay and Happy new day frens!

I hope life is treating you well. Things have been like a blur in the past two days here but thankfully, the storm is now calming as Mom recovers. The sky is rather gloomy though which indicates the rain might come early (fingers crossed hoping it won't).

Anyhow, today I'm sharing some captures at the mini-park where we had a bit of fun during our trip last month.

This was the corner where flowers were blooming and it was where most of these photographs were taken.

An almost successful attempt to take good pictures of one of the Mexican Marigold flowers. I tell you, there were plenty of takes on this one alone. Still employing the point-and-click method, lol!

And aha! Something landed! Could not get closer to take a snap as it might fly away.

A bud (photographed in normal mode) and a fully-bloomed flower taken in macro mode. Not the best but at least viewable (says me who needs a lot of learning), lol!

And some more beauties were spotted in that corner enjoying the nectars of the Chrysanthemums. We didn't get too close not wishing to bother them.

But then, the Spotted Rustic (a so-called sun-loving butterfly) flew to the next nectar in one of the flowers behind the railings. Of course, we followed it to steal a snapshot.

Another bud nearly opening and the butterfly still enjoying its new find.

Just when we thought there was no more, another white beauty appeared! This could be a moth, judging from its antennae. To confirm my assumption, I checked with Google Lens and yep, it identified as a Giant Leopard Moth! Unfortunately, this was the only decent shot of it that I could share.

Here are some other captures in that park that day. The first two were in macro mode ((Pseuderanthemum flowers) and the next shot was in normal mode.

Of course, it wouldn't be complete without giving our Lil Yongi his space in the spotlight too, lol! Here's him with his tongue out and sniffing pose.

And last but not certainly least, one of the lamp sculptures which at first glance I thought to be in a thinking pose, but when I took a closer look, it was making chismis on a rotary phone, lol!

We enjoyed our time there and the point-and-click session. Again, as I always wish, perhaps the next chance I get to share pictures, there will be improvements.

Thank you for tagging along and until we read again!

All photos are mine. Similar but not the same might have been shared previously. 07082024/23:41 UTC

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