June, Month of Real-Life Adventures [July, Welcome!]

Hello, July! Welcome❤️

The second half of the year has officially commenced, whew! The thought of how quickly it would go by gave me goosebumps. Time can't be paused or stopped. It passes whether we like it or not. The dates change and the page on the calendar turned. And so we must move on too. But first, how has the last month been?

Let us revisit it below.

June has been a month of real-life adventures.

There was exploring greenhouses down the valley hunting for seedlings on the first week. And discovering new food places and dining out a few times even on Father's Day. And oh, not to forget we had some cheesy pizza one Sunday afternoon at the Nainers.

We were on the road on most days, driving to and from the lil kingdom (home) and the new place in another town. During those times, I loosened up and did things I don't normally do (i.e. teased strangers, walked barefooted on the fields, had our four-legged companion run around and get dirty, etc). Those were liberating experiences.

Last month was a time for fun learning and family time too.

That fun day at my niece's kitchen where she showed me how to make pizza and sweet sticky rice balls, then celebrating a Thanksgiving get-together and dinner.

Spending time with the father-in-law at his place and even bringing him along with us to the other town.

Then there was the trip to the capital for some errands and purposely for my nephew's graduation ceremony at the university, which we missed attending (unfortunately) but met afterward for a sumptuous lunch at one of our favorite restaurants.

The whole month was packed with activities yet felt like a whirlwind.

The daily drive was exciting but physically exhausting. Thankfully, I managed to have a week-long break in the middle of the month, spending the days at home which allowed me to recharge, although it was also a busy time on-chain as it was my prompt schedule for the LOH community.

Nevertheless, if we were to return to June, we wouldn't have it any other way than to let the events occur as they happened and do the same activities. Well except for the part where we missed my nibling's graduation. We want to be there applauding the loudest, grinning ear-to-ear, and feeling proud as he receives his diploma and Cum Laude award.

Yes, June allowed us to create and bank memories (both good and not-so). We learned from the experiences, got awed by the surprises, enjoyed the lovely moments, and were overwhelmed with the sudden changes yet appreciated the opportunities and bliss the month has brought us.

So what about my June on the blockchain?

To sum it up in one word, WONDERFUL!

While there were times when we were mostly offline, we still showed up at the end of each day and did what we usually do - curate, interact, stake, save, etc.

Things have been good, except for missing one day on the June PUM. Likewise, my participation in the INLEO prompts dwindled but it meant I had my own source of inspiration on what content to put up. That's a win too, yeah?

So how's July gonna be IRL and on-chain?

We don't know how the days of the new month will go exactly, but we expect busy days ahead. Disruptions to our real-life routines are inevitable as we add some people to work and aid us in our livelihood. More learning experience for sure.

As the old proverb goes, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy so we aim to keep the balance between work stuff, pleasure, family, and our own "me" time. There will be road trips and some might be tiring but isn't that part of the adventure?

Meanwhile, on the blockchain, we will always try to be present like we used to, regardless of any changes in our lifestyle or routine. It is our digital home after all. We continue to honor traditions too. Speaking of which, it's the first day of the month and it means HPUD, so here we go!

Manually powered up a little over 101 HIVE today bringing the account HP to 20,846 (was 20k HP in the last HPUD).

The crypto market might be behaving oddly when we thought it was the bull market, but we continue to build anyway. And since we missed a day of staking HIVE last month, we shall set daily reminders to not forget.😅

So here's to the new month!🥂 May it bring many more love, blessings, and fun times to everyone!

And there ends our June recap and some of what we expect this July for my participation in Clean Planet's Bi-weekly prompt by @nwothini335. How about you @intishar, @asiaymalay, and @fixyetbroken? I invite you to check the topic and share your thoughts too.

Except for the screenshot, all other photos are my own. 01072024/21:31ph

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