Take a step back

We all love hardworking people, we love people who are always putting in the work, people who aren’t lazy but what happens when these hardworking people begin to get tired? What happens when they can’t be as productive as they used to be? It just simply means their body has had enough.

It’s okay to be very hardworking, it’s okay to multitask and do everything yourself but when you get too busy and you forget to take care of yourself your body will be forced to act in a strange way.

As humans, we are bound to over-exert ourselves sometimes but constantly pushing yourself when your body gives all the warnings is wrong.


One of the factors responsible for people burning out is stress. While some of us hate stress others are kings and queens of stress. They never take a break, never! Even when presented with the opportunity to take a break they’d rather overwork themselves.

People get so stressed that they begin to get overwhelmed with everything, choosing what to do becomes a problem and in no time they are burnt out completely and they become unproductive, that which they fear descends on them.

When your body burns out you feel so helpless, you lack all the motivation to do anything, sometimes you feel like doing something but you are unwilling to because of lack of motivation or willpower.

People need to learn to rest, people need to understand that they aren’t robots or superheroes but mere mortals and it’s okay to take a step back, it’s okay to hit the pause button of your life and rest to the fullest.


Having enough rest can sometimes be misunderstood by some people, a lot of people believe that resting is a sign of weakness. “I can’t rest”, “I am not lazy”, “I have a lot of things to do”. People like this are over-exerting themselves, they need enough rest before getting busy again but most of these people ignore the warnings and continue with their busy lives.

When you overstress yourself, you begin to experience some symptoms of weakness and that’s your cue to rest.

I had overworked myself in December last year and I became completely burnt out. This happened during the last days of the Zealy campaign. People who participated in the campaign can testify that the last two days were hectic and only the strong survived the campaign.

It took weeks for me to be myself again and all that could have been avoided when I saw the signs. Before you burn out completely the signs are always there. The tiredness, general weakness, poor performance, headache and so many more and this depends on your body.

Personally, when I begin to feel these symptoms I try as much as possible to rest, I sleep enough, those nights that I deprived myself of sleeping I make it up.


I eat enough as being hungry can heighten my frustration, according to the popular saying; “A hungry man is an angry man”.

I try as much as possible not to do anything pertaining to work until I am finally fine, I mean that’s the price I get to pay for neglecting all my body’s warnings.


I try to have fun, I go back to things that make me happy or things that make me laugh. I could watch funny movies, play games, I could take multiple walks, satisfy my cravings, or hang out with my friends. The more I participate in these activities the happier I become and I slowly begin to feel energized.

When I know that I am finally fit to get back to work I do but this time not the fatigued one but one full of so much energy and ready to take her world by storm😃

This is my entry to the #Aprilinleo monthly prompt, to find more details about it you can check it in this post.

All images are mine except otherwise stated.

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Loads of Love🥰🥰

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