Why can't I ditch you? (Freewrite: Coffee)

I have told lies because of coffee. Can you believe it? When my eldest son was young, he asked me countless times, out of curiosity, what was the brown or black drink that I had every morning.


Son: What are you drinking?
Mummy: Brown water.
Son: What is that?
Mummy: Some drink..
Son: Is it nice?
Mummy: Not nice at all.. (guilty!)

You see, I am trying my best to not expose him to coffee because of its err...caffeine... Supposedly its bad effect too if the body gets addicted. But I drink coffee every morning, it is impossible for him not to know or to be curious about this brown water. And then he grew up, smarter and wiser.

Son: What are you drinking?
Mummy: Same. Brown water.
Son: What is that actually.
Mummy: Just some drink, son darlingi..
Son: Is it nice?
Mummy: Not nice at all.. (very guilty!)
Son: Is it good for health?
Mummy: Not really.. (palmed face)
Son: Adults are weird. Not good for health but still drink everyday.

And I got head shot.

Now he is 7 years old and is very smart at his age. One day, I was washing stuff at kitchen and my half cup of coffee was displaying itself beautifully on the coffee table. Then my son ran to the kitchen with a cheeky face and smiled... "Now I know why you drink coffee every day. It is so nice. I LOVE IT! At what age am I allowed to drink again?"

Oh dear me.. He had a sip and got the taste of it!!!

How would I expect my son not to find out about coffee if mummy and daddy drink everyday? AND is absolutely absurd to assume that he will dislike the taste.

Anyway, I have been trying my very best to cut down coffee but to no avail. Looking at my lifestyle which still requires me to wake up in the middle of the night 2 times to tube-feed my son, it is difficult unless I drink coffee.

It causes me to have minor heaviness in the head, because your body needs the sleep and you are forcing it to stay awake. But for the sake of my 2nd son who needs that extra calorie input now, I think it is worthwhile.

But I still plan to ditch coffee one day.

Well. One fine day....

Two to three cups per day, oh dear me



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