Happy Sunday from this end

It's been a hectic day so far even if it's a Sunday, a time of the weekend when we get to relax and enjoy family time, but reverse is the case as some stuffs that needed to be handled before the new week had to be sorted. Planning the day included going to mass, then from there I would go to the market to buy foodstuffs and groceries for soup and also attend to personal stuffs at home. As I blog this, I just settled down from a long day about to have dinner and relax.


On getting up this morning as early as 5:30am,all I had in mind was to say the short morning prayers and prepare breakfast for the family which included bread and egg, an early and easy breakfast, then we would prepare and go to church. For some reasons, church took longer than expected because we had some visitors and had to do some impromptu launching for a school project we were carrying out. As if that was not enough, a meeting of the Catholic youth organization was announced that it was important for all young men and women to wait for a brief meeting that lasted over an hour. All this ended at about 12:30pm. Then the phase two started which had to do with going to the market straight from the church.

I had to take a bike to the market even though it was not far because the sun was too hot and I still had a lot to accomplish. On getting to the market , it was already bustling with people who came to buy stuffs. This was so because in my community, there is a special day when all traders come to the market once and you get varieties of foodstuffs in that day, so it's always 5 days interval. I Purchased a variety of ingredients despite the high prices due to the fact that inflation has hit the economy and things have become expensive. I bought tomatoes, pepper, beans, meat, fish, onion, Maggi, garri, fruits, groundnut oil, melon, vegetables, ogbono and many more because the soup delicacy I want to make is a traditional dish in Nigeria.

I got back from the market exhausted because I walked round and round to get fair prices. On getting home I had to relax for 30 minutes,has lunch before I started making preparations in the kitchen. The cooking adventure went well, although took time as well because I had to prepare two dishes and swallow to accompany it for dinner. In the end, at around 5:30pm to 6pm ,I had finished up and cleaned up my space. I enjoy cooking especially in a conducive environment and it went well.

Everywhere was set for dinner at past 6pm and we all had a fantastic dinner. The day is still ongoing but no longer as tedious as it was at the beginning.

The March Monthly Prompt organized by the INLEO community via @leo.tasks has started check the link above to find out more

Note;photo was taken by me

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