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My topic for today is influenced by the numerous incidents we get from the consumption of too much alcoholic substances. In many forms, people have been advised to reduce the way they take in alcoholic drinks or at least stay away from it because of the damaging side effects it has, but somehow people seem to ignore the harm that alcohol can cause just because they feel satisfied and forget about their worries while taking it in at that moment. It's so bad that I have seen people take as much as 10 bottles of beer all in the name of celebrating or enjoying themselves and this is hazardous to their health.

Well, in accordance to my topic above, when people are in their drunken state a lot can happen things can go wrong, you can get intimate with the wrong person that can bring about embarrassment and destruction of relationships, it can make one to spill out a truth they have been hiding in their mind for quite while and a lot more. Recently, I was watching a movie a Nigerian movie where a man was supposed to get married the next day but had a bachelor's party where they had so much alcoholic wine to drink and unfortunately he was unable to control himself in his drunken state that he slept with a random girl on the eve to his wedding day. To pay surprise to her husband to be, the Bride came up to his hotel room early in the morning and to her utmost surprise she found him in bed with another woman on the morning of their wedding this was so devastating that they had to cancel the wedding.

Alcohol can make people do the opposite of who they really are. this is because it has a way of mixing up someone's cognitive abilities there by making them to misbehave at certain times. For instance, there is the notion that when a person is drunk or tipsy they tend to speak their minds. On one occasion that I have noticed this lady was so drunk because she had a bottle of wine with 16% alcohol these affected her so bad that when she got into an argument with her best friend she revealed secrets that was supposed to be between both of them and somehow it destroyed their friendship and relationship that they have built over the years.

Also they have been many reports of road accidents due to people taking up activities in their drunken State such as driving, having unprotected sex with strangers taking decisions while their minds are disturbed, being influenced by friends to do drugs etc. You know doubt at all alcohol has done more harm than good in our society as people subscribed to it as a means to have fun, enjoy their lives, forget their worries, to connect with their inner mind and so on.

In conclusion my point is actually is that when people are in their joking States they tend to do things that are not normal or particularly exceptional to them these can make them behave in manners that could lead to danger have potential negative consequences we risky bring about loss of coordination and impaired decision making. I will be using this medium to advise people to stay away from alcohol as these have negative effects on the body and the health system it could tamper with the liver, the kidney, the lungs and so on. For women, we are medically advised you stay away from alcohol because it has a means of tapering with our reproductive system and the uterus in general.

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