Knowing When to Give And When to Set Boundaries.

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I am pleased to participate in this week’s prompt.


Giving to people with caution and setting boundaries to how we prioritize one’s needs is very essential. A lot of people have issues with people in the process of rendering financial help or assistance. We should all know when to turn someone down irrespective of our instincts to assist. Most people take advantage of people's help or assistance and fail to know and acknowledge that it takes a lot of things to consider before assisting people financially.

I have heard a lot of news about how someone out of a good heart rendered financial help to a friend and instead of the friend returning the money, he plotted and killed the friend that went against all odds to assist him financially. That’s how wicked most people are and that is why we are to give with caution. If you must help someone financially, give an amount you can afford to lose.

It is necessary to set boundaries and turn down someone when the person is always coming to you for financial help. The only relationship the person has with you is only when he or she wants financial help. That's when you see that person and once you have given then the person disappears only to resurface when next he or she needs your help. It is necessary to set boundaries at this point because instead of building a better relationship with you that person sees you as the only place for financial help and the day you refuse to help such a person that’s where your problem will emanate with the person.


It is also necessary to set boundaries and turn down a friend that either borrows money from you and finds it very difficult to repay but still has the boldness to still come and ask for another financial help. I had this issue with a colleague some time ago. I noticed that each time I borrow him money he finds it difficult to repay the loan and will still have the boldness to still ask for another loan and before such loan is repaid, we must quarrel before he repays me. This kept going on for a very long time and the last one resulted in a very big fight before he was able to repay me. If I had set boundaries since when I noticed that part of him but I kept helping because i naturally have these instincts to assist others. But I began to set boundaries so that I will not have issues with people I felt were necessary. I started saying NO in order to avoid some certain issues with people that do take advantage of people that have good intentions.

Giving financial assistance to someone who repeatedly asks for help without making progress in his or her financial status really needs to be considered. Financial help should not be a repeated thing. Some people have failed to be responsible with their life because they have a friend or family that helps them anytime. At this point a clear boundary should be set. The person should take responsibility to make progress rather than always asking for help.

This is my entry to this week's prompt.

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I am @gloreal.

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