Nostalgia And The Joy Of Physical Games.

All work and no play makes George a dull boy, which means we all have something in common with Jack. I do not know what Jack does for fun during his leisure time, but I can tell you about mine. Rest is important for every human, and you all will agree with me that there are several activities we can do to relax other than just sleeping. It can be seeing a movie, hanging out with friends, spending time with family, or any other thing that makes us feel good.

I have a few activities I do to relax, and playing games happens to be one of them. It's not a habit I picked up as an adult, and I can trace it back to childhood. I mean, days when we made snooker boards with a plank and an old piece of rug, we used different colored tennis balls as well, and it was really exciting.

Then we played table tennis on the bench, played ludo, and played other old games that weren't just fun but also interesting to us. The Ludo game was my favorite back then, and I was really good at it because I learned from a professional.

My mom played the game very well, and she always trashed me whenever we played, but I didn't let that discourage me from playing the game. I continued getting trashed while learning and creating my strategies until I was able to get my first win against her.

I won her a few times again before it became a regular thing, and I became very confident about myself. I played against people and became respected for my ability with the game; only people with a lot of game strategies always have a tough time with the Ludo game because it only takes me one defeat to understand my opponent, so when you don't have other strategies, it's easy for me to dominate the game.

Over the years, a lot of things have changed with games, and technology is responsible for all the changes. Today we have all those games downloadable online, and playing games has become very easy, even though the experience isn't the same for me.

There is a lot of difference between playing many of these games physically compared to mobile games. I remembered the first time I played the Ludo game on my phone. I deleted it shortly after playing it because I didn't find it interesting, and it's the same with other games.

The only mobile game I have played for years now is football, and this is because of my love for football. I used to be a very good footballer in my early teenage years, but I got an injury that ended my dream of being a footballer. I was advised by a doctor to stay away from foodball since I couldn't get access to proper medical attention then, and every time I tried, I always felt pain, so I had to take the doctor's advice.

I couldn't play football anymore, so I shifted my attention to writing about football and doing some other things related to football. I enjoy playing football games a lot, and it's my favorite at the moment after Ludo.

I still play Ludo too, but not always because it's difficult to find someone to play a Ludo game with you, and even when you do, they stop after losing once or twice. A lot of people now prefer playing games on their mobile phones, and in a matter of years, many physical games will go extinct.

The last time I went to the environment where I grew up with my family, my youngest sibling saw a game named Opon ayo, and he started asking lots of questions because he didn't even know what it was. Meanwhile, those were the games I grew up with.

The world is moving at a fast pace, truly, but many of these physical games we played as kids shouldn't go extinct. It's not just about playing the game since it helps enhance a few things like physical interaction, social skills, self-esteem, and even flexible thinking since the players have to make decisions without having to consult the internet and run around asking for help.

All images belong to me

This is my entry to Aprilinleo task for 19th of April and I will use this privilege to invite you to partake in this amazing initiative. Leadn mire about the Inleo Daily prompt

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