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I like a lot of stuff but one of my last posts was about stuff I hate in which I listed a few things from the long list of things that annoy me; I figured, because I like balance, that I should follow up with a post about some of the things I like and invite you to comment with a few of your own - this is that post.

I like it when...I smell vanilla. I find it relaxing and it always makes me feel calm and sort of happy and relaxed. In my house most of the reed diffusers are based around a vanilla scent with the view to creating a nice mood throughout the house and I use the scent in my vehicles also.

I like it when...I'm away from people and within nature. It's not that I don't like people, ok, it's a little to do with the fact I find most people annoying, but more about the serenity, the peace I find inside myself when I'm in some remote place and far away from the hustle and bustle of society. It's in those remote places where I am able to find a calmness that is difficult to find elsewhere and almost impossible to find in the city. Somewhere in nature is where I feel most settled and content.

I like it when...I actively work towards a goal applying a predetermined and strategised plan to reach it and show flexibility along the way, consistency and dedication towards the ultimate result. I also like it when things don't go exactly to plan and I'm able to pivot in a different direction or learn a valuable lesson I can apply the next time; it's a continual improvement ethos I guess one could say.

I like it partner and I start the process of planning, researching and booking an overseas trip. We don't put all our focus on the trip itself, we find so much enjoyment from the planning phase as well which sort of leaves us feeling like the trip is extended over a longer period of time. Of course, the trip itself is always awesome, but the planning and research phase is too!

I like it when... I slip into bed between freshly changed sheets with my girl there beside me and'll have to make up the rest as I'm not going to write it.

I think it's so important to find enjoyment in as much of our lives as possible because life is short and is there to be enjoyed fully; The big things in life are great, but it's really important to find value in the smaller things as well because they are often more easily found and experienced; waiting for big things to happen, focusing only on them, feels wasteful if the multitude of small things go by unenjoyed.

What about you? What do you like and why? Do you celebrate the small things or do you only put value on the larger things? Feel free to comment if you'd like to and if you'd hate to comment then don't.

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

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Image(s) in this post are my own

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