Week through Adrian's Lenses (7-13 September 2024)

Previous Week

This is the #88th edition of the "Week through Adrian's Lenses" weekly Hive and crypto news roundup.

Let's see what we have for this week. We cover:


  • HiveFest
  • Hive Boreholes
  • Exchange Listing
  • Waves Mobile App
  • Honeycomb
  • Peak Monsters


  • MicroStrategy
  • Friend.Tech

Week on Hive

This week's Hive News could have included more news, but I preferred to keep it more compact on the HifeFest week, when there is enough content related to HiveFest to consume.

7 of 30 tracked posts made it to this week's issue of the "Week on Hive" roundup.

In the Spotlight

HiveFest 2024 This Week

For people on-site in Split, Croatia, HiveFest continues until Sunday. For us at home watching the livestream (now recordings) of the conference days, it ended yesterday... Too bad, but it's understandable... Nothing like in-person interactions. There are also the Hivefest-related posts that capture the event through the eyes of some of participants, if you are curious.

If you haven't watched the presentations yet and are looking for specific ones, the schedule will help you locate the presentation you are interested in from the daily recordings.

I watched them all as I do every year. On some paying more attention than on others, that's true.

Some things that randomly impressed me about certain presentations:

  • where presentations were backed by concrete results that would seem interesting not only to Hivers but also for anyone watching our HiveFest to see what's going on here
  • where we can see appearances deceive, but competence doesn't
  • where there is a story that people would find impressive or to which they can relate
  • where there is interaction with the audience
  • where the speech itself captivates the audience

I also enjoyed the two guests. Both obviously used to delivering presentations/speeches, and both, in different ways, being and having presentations that make sense to our community or parts of it. I believe Nkita from the Decentr browser would have fit in very well too. Too bad she didn't get her visa.

To go into details would mean to spoil your fun, if you plan to watch the presentations. So I won't. 😉

Marketing / Awareness / Branding

Hive Borehole Project in Ghana Has a New Supporter

The 17# borehole in Ghana has recently been launched. What's remarkable this time around is that the project now has a new supporter with a likely... higher global reach than the local media in Ghana. There was also a documentary film created from my understanding around the Hive Boreholes Project, which was previewed at Hivefest and will be submitted to film festivals. I'll be honest with you, I haven't seen it since it wasn't presented in the livestream, but I believe it has a higher potential to be well-received by the critics than the one about our story. Not many seem to understand (and if they do, care), for the time being, about the core values Hive stands for. A story about deprivation of water and a project that brings it to those places anyone can understand, and hopefully, pay attention to who funds it.

@mcsamm also answered a question that came from the audience at Hivefest regarding the costs of each borehole, and said the cost is highly correlated to the depth to which they have to drill for water.

HIVE Was Listed on an Exchange in India, Thanks to One of Our Hivers Asking Politely

India is the country with the highest calculated global crypto adoption index by ChainAnalysis, despite some political headwinds toward crypto.

In this context, we find out that HIVE was listed on the Indian exchange Mudrex all thanks to the insistence of @sanjeevm.

Governance / Development / Dapps / Education

New Waves Mobile App from Ecency

Ecency announced last week the launch of a new version of a Waves Mobile App. If you are interested, I suggest to check out the presentation for Ecency from Hivefest held by @seckorama (day 2).

New DHF Proposal for Honeycomb

@disregardfiat put forth the DHF proposal for the funding of HoneyComb development for another year. If you don't know, HoneyComb technology is at the base of Delux.io, SPK Network, or Ragnarok. The proposal is quite detailed, if you want to read through it, and funds mainly the 3 developers working on the project.


Peak Monsters Requested SPS DAO Funding...

... for the Splinterlands-related integrations into Open Polls (already done), building the UI for them into Peak Monsters, and a little portion for the UI part on PeakD. This is the proposal.

Week in the Crypto World

MicroStrategy, the Perma-Bitcoin Bull

MicroStrategy has purchased another 1.1bn USD-worth of bitcoin at the average price of $60,408. I know the market doesn't always do what Michael Saylor preaches (it would be awful if it always did), but maybe this time the bulls are warming up their engines and make noise to get the public excited, instead of slowly accumulating over the summer. Is it time for their stashes (and along theirs everyone else's) to gain some speed? I think despite "the noise", we'll have to wait until toward the end of the month to see a breakout. But it's coming...

Friend.Tech Is Null

An apparently surprising move happened this week, when the dev team of the social media project Friend.Tech, running on Ethereum's L2 Base, decided to set admin and ownership keys of the Friend.Tech smart contracts to null. That practically sentences the platform to death (although it was pretty much dead anyway, from what I read), because you can't really have a social media platform with no development. Well, unless someone thinks st**mit is still a social media platform, which would contradict my previous statement about the necessity of active development. But there is a difference... Theoretically, st--mit could be developed further, even if it has no future. Friend.Tech can't be developed anymore. No one can, not even the former developers. They simply locked it and destroyed the key, for whatever reason.

The platform had already lost the majority of their users since their peak. Lacking clarifications, people who dug into this focused on... money trails. Here's one such extensive analysis.

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