Week through Adrian's Lenses (28 August - 3 September 2023)

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This is the #34 (consecutive) "Week through Adrian's Lenses" weekly roundup.

Let's see what we have for this week.

Week on Hive

Hive at Rare Evo in Colorado

Especially if you haven't seen Crimsonclad's keynode speech from Web3 Berlin, you have the chance to see its recording at Rare Evo, where Hive was a sponsor, speaking and also had a booth. Here's her speech, shared by @acidyo.

Keychain Store to Streamline Payments in HBD and HIVE

The Keychain team, after feedback, worked to create the first version of mobile apps for both Android and iOS to make easier payments with HIVE or HBD in physical stores. Here are the details.

Leo's Huge Marketing Campaign Kicked Off

Leo's expected marketing campaign started with the beginning of the fall. We'll probably have to wait for a while to see some results and reports, but until then, we can consult the materials they published detailing various aspects of the campaign. This week we've seen details on:

Khal also went on an AMA about their marketing proposal with Dan and starkerz on their X space, something I have yet to listen to.

Prior to that, Khal and Eric talked about the same thing and other topics in a pre-AMA recording on Monday. Going forward, they will split every week their communication in two parts, this recording from Mondays with news of the week from Leo, and the regular AMA focused only on the questions and answers part.

Meet the Editor of Freechain Film

Alex (Aleksandar Milenkovic) is the editor of the Freechain film and published his introduction post this week, and another post talking about his experience working with celebrities.

If you don't know, the Freechain film is based on the story of the creation of Hive and we will be presented for the first time to a wider audience at HifeFest.

Peak Open Projects to Create Decentralized and Open Source Polling Using HAF

Peak Open Projects team announced they want to tackle the polling aspect on Hive, something Leo have already added for Threads, but it's not open source. What Peak Open Projects want to do is something that can be included in any project, not just blogging, and will use HAF, the framework built by the Blocktrades team.

Hive Lost a Few More Trading Pairs on CEXes

I noticed at the beginning of the week a number of posts mentioning Hive lost the HIVE-USD pair on Bittrex, so a direct fiat connection, although I'm not sure how utilized that was.

We also indirectly lost our HIVE listing and pairs on the Mandala exchange when that CEX lost access to Binance's LPs. It is something I've seen mentioned in a post by @edicted who follows through what happens with Mandala quite closely.

Splinterforge Added Electrum Mine Run

Splinterforge added a new gameplay layer to its game. That's 12-level deep Electrum "mines" (one for Bronze, Silver, Gold, Diamond). Playable with 3 heroes+30 monsters (no summoners). Each level deep, after you kill the boss, you earn rewards, which get higher the deeper the level and stronger the boss. Your dead units remain dead from one level to the next, unless you have enough points to revive them. Here are some brief details (more on their discord).

CUBLife Project at the End of Road

CUBLife, under the SBI collection of projects, is closing because it became unprofitable to run. For anyone who has CL tokens on Hive-Engine (including myself), there is a buy wall set at 0.65 HIVE per CL and it's enough for everyone, so no need to hurry. Just don't forget to sell them!

Life of Hive

Hive Seems on an Exponential Curve Growth in Venezuela

@demotruk shows this in two of his useful stat posts. In one of them, we see the best week on almost all measured stats for Hive Sucre economic activity.

From a second post, we find that despite the bear market, we are on a growing trend of active authors on Hive, and Venezuela is again responsible of much of this growth.

Partnership between Hive and Museum of Fine Arts in Caracas Moving Forward

Third meeting between the Hive team and museum officials, plus some artists this time. Artists are excited, but they were also hesitant because they went through an NFT scam in the past. The Hive team seems to have assured them they have nothing to worry about a possible scam like in the past.

HiveCubaCon Posts

We could see a few posts talking about HiveCubaCon which happened I think on Sunday. Here are two of them (both have English content too):

Week in the Crypto World

SEC vs Bitcoin ETFs

After Grayscale won their court case against the SEC in what many interpreted at first as an approval of their bitcoin ETF (far from it), the SEC since then delayed all bitcoin ETF applications that they needed to give an answer to for the first time (including BlackRock) for 45 days.

Class Action Case Against Uniswap Dismissed in a Win for Crypto and Decentralization

There were multiple wins in this case. First of all, a judge who understands exactly how crypto/defi works. Then, certain comparisons that were made and also the fact the judge called Ethereum a commodity, which is another curve ball to SEC. We have more details in this article.

Binance USD without Support Starting from February 2024

Both Paxos - the issuer of BUSD - and Binance, will stop support for BUSD in February 2024. Which means you have to get rid of it by that time if you still have any. Apparently, Binance has plans to come out with another stablecoin. We can find out more from here.

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