New All Time Highs for Hive Sucre

Stats for Hive Sucre Showing All Time Highs For 3 of 4 Metrics

Merchants in Sucre Who Accepted HBD.png

Number of Customers in Sucre purchasing with HBD.png

Total Value of Purchases to Hive Sucre Merchants Per Week.png

Purchases Per Week Among Hive Sucre Merchants.png

Increasing Weekly Changes Indicate an Exponential Growth Factor

It can be useful to chart data as the weekly change rather than total amounts, as it can highlight the trend in growth. In a weekly change chart, the trend line can indicate if growth is

  1. Arithmetic - flat weekly change trend - growth that will not effectively scale
  2. Exponential - upwards weekly change trend - growth that will increase as we scale up
  3. Logistic - downwards weekly change trend - growth that will decline as we scale, usually a sign of market saturation or scaling problems

For example, if our growth was limited by the level of support we can provide from the DHF, we would first see indications of this on the weekly change charts.

All 4 metrics indicate an exponential growth factor, even transfer value which is influenced by some outliers at week 14 and 21.

Weekly Change Active Customers.png

Weekly Change in Active Merchants.png

Weekly Change Transfer Count.png

Weekly Change Transfer Value.png

Active users with Sucre-based locations in their profiles are also on the rise. The month of August is incomplete and thus shaded differently.


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