Week through Adrian's Lenses (10-16 July 2023)

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Let's see what we have for this week's roundup.

Week on Hive

Sponsored Tickets and Accommodation for HiveFest

@threespeak will sponsor 4 Hivians with the full price of the ticket and accommodation, but they need to take care of their plane ticket and getting their visa in time.

4 is obviously not enough for the number of people that will be coming to HiveFest, so there will be a selection process to determine who will be the fortunate receivers of the the sponsored tickets and accommodation. Here are all the details.

SPK Network Proof of Access: More People are Needed to Test It and Talk about It!

Speaking about 3Speak, the team still needs more people involved in testing their new #PoA protocol and they are willing to incentivize those participating. Incentives aside, I believe having PoA operational on the SPK Network will be beneficial for Hive, and therefore, all its stakeholders.

Leofinance Releases One of Its Largest Updates

Leofinance doesn't publish a post for every update they push to their platform or they'll probably post about it almost daily since the new interface was launched in May.

But this time they put out a post, because they added a couple of major updates that needed to be covered. Screenshots included, to see how this platform slowly starts to look very polished.

Splinterlands - Land Surfing

This is not official, but @bulldog1205 talked about what land surfing will really be: a way for non-land owners to use land and share rewards with owners. Looks like that'll be instead of renting for land. Check it out!

FreeChain Update

Looks like the team involved in creating the FreeChain film have set a deadline to complete it by the end of August, in time for HiveFest. @lordbutterfly reported about the progress and also made a pre call to action for Hivians to prepare one sentence about what Hive means to them.

Life of Hive

Hive Sucre at 48 Businesses Accepting HBD

In the latest update from Hive Sucre we learned that 48 businesses already accept HBD in Sucre, Venezuala (mostly, if not all, in the capital city, Cumaná).

They also discovered and started sharing a better way of doing HBD payments, using a QR code that can be generated by business owners using the Keychain's web interface.

Hive Boreholes Project in Ghana is on TV

They need a better anchor at this TV station, but the reportage seemed pretty good.

Contest among Students in Ghana involving Web3

Topics of contest were from the computer science field, including Web3. There were 4 teams, 2 of them branded as Hive. One of the Hive teams won. :)

From Students to Professors, and from Ghana to Venezuela

Here's an interesting workshop at the Humanitas College, where professors are schooled in Hive and Liketu at their request, apparently, which says a lot about the roots Hive has been growing in different parts of Venezuala.

Art Project Completed

Same team at the presentation of a completed art project that involved Hive at a different (private) school. Different ways to make Hive stick that appeals to different people.

dCity Updates

Mostly, the news relate to dCity's new HP delegation rewards in SIM, plus the chance to win an Influencer card in a raffle for delegators.

Muterra Updates

Mutterra published a summary of their development updates for the latest two months, May and June.

Serfdom and Sorcery Updates

The team made it simple and created a post with the weekly updates from their part.

Week in the Crypto World

Ripple Partially Won The Court Case Against the SEC on XRP

That was the news of the week, for sure, as it can be used as a precedent in other cases against the SEC. The decision was not only great for crypto, but it was also fair, in my opinion, because it spoke of two distinct situations. Those who bought XRP in the institutional sale (VCs) are subject to the Securities Law, those who purchased XRP from the exchanges or through algorithms (regular investors and traders) - not.

Will see how applicable this ruling will be going forward, but to me it seems fair. Here are more details.

Founder of Celsius Arrested

We have some expected action after the Celsius Network went under. Alex Mashinsky, its founder and former CEO was arrested and pleads not guilty to fraud.

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