Week through Adrian's Lenses (20-26 February 2023)

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This is a very dense week in news, so I'll get right on it.

Week on Hive

CPTX.io Was Launched This Week

CTPX, another content discovery and promotion website tied with the Hive ecosystem was launched by the CTP team this week. This is their launch podcast.

Leofinance Alpha - Week 2 After Launch

The new open alpha UI for Leofinance, also referred to as Project Blank in the past, or Threads 2.0, was launched last week.

Engagement went through the roof and is still going strong. In a post or a #thread, Khal (@khaleelkazi) let us know that Threads (both from the main website and from the alpha website) is now responsible for roughly 10% of all recent comments on Hive.

A number of updates, fixes and future features not yet rolled out (polls?) were presented to us this week:

GOSH for Threads

GOSH is for Threads what POSH is for Twitter. Here are the details.

Splinterlands Updates

Splinterlands came out this week with a number of - let's say - smaller but important, updates.

Psyber-X is Now Free to Play

Psyber-X came out with a post announcing the game is currently free to play:

You also should not miss @bobthebuilder2 on CTT in a discussion with @starkerz:

Ragnarok Presentation and Testing Call-to-Action

@theycallmedan presented Ragnarok at the stage it is now (by sharing his screen while playing), and asks for more hands to test it to isolate a few hard-to-reproduce bugs.

New Shop Accepting Exclusively HIVE & HBD

A new shop with delivery all over the world (according to the site) was launched. It accepts only HIVE, SWAP.HIVE and HBD as payment, and it was launched by someone who has been on HIVE for 5 years and still active, probably German. Task had a look at the personal account too.

Week in the Cryptocurrency World

Coinbase Launches its Own Layer-2 Network

Its name will be Base and will run on Ethereum at the base layer. The layer-2 will be centralized and fully under Coinbase control, even though the advertisement is that it will facilitate the development of decentralized apps:

Spotify Is Testing Token-Enabled Music Playlists

Tokenization is catching on and big companies are toying with them. Here's Spotify trying to create a sort of subscription based on NFTs:

Banks May Still Service Crypto

The Fed, FDIC, and OCC have created no new risk management principles for banks dealing with crypto companies: servicing the crypto industry is neither illegal nor discouraged.

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