Did you Read Hive's Roadmap by BlockTrades?


Almost a day ago @blocktrades made a post regarding their future plans for Hive! I know that for a couple of weeks most of us kept on wondering what's happening with Hive!

You see in a way it's logical after watching Leo and @khaleelkazi making all these updates and videos each week as well as all the cryptos to pump! That's overexcitement for you!

So it was Hive's turn to shine a bit and inform all of us of what's coming next! In a longass post with many replies and questions, the roadmap was unveiled

Roadmap for Hive-related work by BlockTrades in the next 6 months

Ι will mention briefly a couple of things because i don't wanna say the same stuff but with other words, (which probably gonna do). You can easily read the post above as well as the replies and simply ask any question there!

Vote Expiration

This is something that bugs many people, hopefully until now. According to the initial post, there will be a yearly vote expiration for witnesses, proxies, proposal.

So after the last time, you make an action lie that the time will be refreshed and count down again till one year is over. A little before it expires you will be informed in case you wanna make changes!

Change 5min vote window

Another thing that we all be bothered by was the 5min vote window. What's happening now is that if you vote earlier than 5 minutes after a post is up you earn fewer curation rewards.

That will change, we can vote whenever we want to but there will be a new time window (between 2-24 hours) that will help manual curators earn a little something.

Development of 2nd layer ecosystem

I won't say much about this, they know that the 2nd layer ecosystem rules and that it can attract many new users, as well as onboard new investors. Thus, they set their eyes on helping this ecosystem grow because at the of the day Hive will grow as well.

A new decentralized reputation/rating system

@blocktrades said he is very interested in this one and i really am the same, although it may not be that important compared with everything above.

Reputation is something i was really happy about, when i managed to increase it because it showed all my hard work and ofc after a certain period it also showed a little bit of prestige, a sense of accomplishment if you want to!

After the bid-bots came to our lives, this system completely ruined. You could basically pay in order to increase your rep level...Hopefully, when the time comes and they change it, all those feelings i had back then, will return...

A Few Last Words

As you can see many things are about to begin and i believe everything will add value to the whole ecosystem. If you check the initial post, you will find many questions as well as many proposals, because to be honest, this post came out of nowhere!

What's your take about the RoadMap?

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