3d Place Sorted by Comments! You can Do It Too

I like to read other people's posts and interact with them! I bet you all like to see comments under your comment section. It may give you joy, motivation, new things to learn, and sometimes a good laugh!

First Week

I tried to do just that, especially for the past 2 weeks! The first week i managed to from 10 comments to climb up to 134 and be featured on the leaderboard of @leo.stats!


On that Leaderboard you get to see the top 11, yep 11 not 10, throughout LEO universe, or let's call it Leoverse! Check the difference between me and @acesontop or @taskmaster4450le.

I am a little competitive so just for once, i will beat them...mark my words!

Second Week

Moving on to the second week i started big-time but due to a bit of limited time, i slowed my pace. I lost completely the count but i just continued to curate and comment!

To my surprise, i saw 2 hp be given to me by @abh12345.leo. At first i thought i was some kind of mistake but then i remembered about his weekly stats.

I went over to check the list and i couldn't find myself. The reason was that i was searching at the bottom of the list, that's what my expectations were.


I moved up and up and saw that beautiful yet fake name up in the 5th place! I have no clue how i managed to make 251 comments, almost double that my last weeks but i did it!

Then i headed over leo.stats again to see what was going on there. To my surprise once again i saw my self up to the 3d place! How cool is that?


I don't believe i will reach any higher than that in the constant future but hey i tried and from 10 comments i made it to 262! If i did it then you can do it too!

How I Achieved This & How Hard It Was

To begin with, I'll say it depends. If you just make a comment without reading the article then it's extremely easy! If you actually read everything then it is a bit hard to reach numbers like that because it's time-consuming!

You need to dedicate time, i don't know how long it will take, because it depends on your reading speed and the type of article but i invest over 3 hours curating per day.


That's how my tab looks like every single day or evening! Another thing i want to share is that to make it this far you need only 2 things. The first one which i mentioned above is time. The second one is love, love towards reading and towards the authors!

Also i wanna say a big sorry to everyone for the rewards i give them. Because i don't get that much of a stake (1k Leo) as well as due to the too many posts i read and curate, i can only provide you with small upvotes and ofc a comment! (it's a 1+1 deal :P)

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