There is no end to learning and each day presents us with an opportunity to learn something new. Humans are life long learners as knowledge revolves every day and therefore there is need to update ones knowledge base in order to remain/stay relevant. For learning to be effective, it must be understood in the light of communication which involves the sending and receiving of information. There are several approaches to learning and the best approach is that of learning through what is been seen and heared.


I remembered this was my main study technique while i was in the University here in Nigeria some few years ago before i graduated. Some courses i took then looks so unfamiliar and seems difficult, so i opted in to watch some videos on them because i believe that it will be so difficult to forget what i see with my eyes compared to what i heared or read. I can to the awareness of something that helped me then that in a class lecture, a student can olny learn 30% but the remaining 70% is what ia done after class.

By the virtue of my nature been nocturnal, i do most of my readings at night or early morning, so i levrage on night subscriptions to watch some videos about some courses i found difficult just to have an idea. By so doing, this really helped me alot when i started reading as those clues from the videos helped my readings. Also, i rarely forget things that i see compared to things i heared. Figures, shapes, tables which are all visual in nature are key to my learning.


Also, i remembered that while i was learning keyboard 🎹 then about two decades ago, the CD disks that i was given to watch by my tutor who happens to be my elder brother also helped me alot to easily catch up with the learning. Most especially if the visual is coloured or made colourful, it catches my attention and fascinates me to study or learn. This is a powerful study techniique for me.

In addition, i also have another study technique which involves the use of mnemonics. This involves the use of rememberable letters or words to capture an idea, definition, key word which are easy to remember. For example, during my Secondary School days back then, we learnt about MR NIGER D which is the mnemonic that summaries all the characteristics of a living thing. With this, it's so difficult to forget it even when someone just wakes up.


As someone who believes in writings, another major technique of study for me is to do a concise summary of what i have read, heard or seen into something simple in my note book. Most times while reading, i do use read pen for major highlights and blue pen to boldened some cogent points i need to note down. This has worked so well for me as i can quickly flip through my jottings not missing any salient point because the red pen would have caught my attention in split seconds.

Now in this era of digitalization and e-learning, i make use of highlight features on my phones, computers while reading because this helps me alot whenever there is need for me to read it again. The best thing is to study oneself and goes for what suites best. In all, audio-visual technique of study is my favorite choice which has worked and is working for me well.

Thank you all for reading. This is my participation post in #Aprilinleo monthly prompt for day 28 by the #inleo. Check out this announcement post to get involved.* THUMBNAIL DESIGNED USING CANVA

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