Building a Better Future: Addressing Challenges and Fostering Change in Nigeria

In Nigeria, like many countries around the world, its communities face a lot of challenges ranging from inadequate infrastructure, basic amenities to governance issues and economic hardships. These challenges are felt from the cities to even the rural villages. The need for improvement in this area is quite evident, and the desire for positive change is obvious.

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Infrastructure: The Need for Better Roads

One of the most pressing issues facing communities in Nigeria is the state of the poor infrastructures, to be specific the condition of the roads. Nigeria as the giant of Africa lacks good roads even in the cities, you will be surprised to see poorly constructed roads, not to mention In rural areas, poor road networks impede access to essential services such as healthcare, education, and markets, limiting opportunities for economic development and social mobility. People in the village find it very difficult to move to the cities especially the elderly ones, because they can't sit on vehicles for long and considering the bad road and their health, when you come to the city, lack of good roads has been a big problem since we have a greater number of people living in the city and at the same time wants to move from one place to another, you will see Case like a very terrible traffic, one of the common cities on Nigeria one can be stock in traffic for hours is the city of Lagos, one of the motd populated states in the country, and has a lot of employment opportunities, so a lot of people move in there for greener pasture thereby causing lot of terrible traffics. Investing in the construction and maintenance of better roads is crucial for improving connectivity and fostering growth in underserved regions. Sometimes we have seen the government constructing the roads, but using poor construction materials which will not even last long and after some months the roads will return to what it was before, and in some cases the roads may be constructed but lack good maintenance.

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Governance: Calling for Change

For many Nigerians, the need for a change in government is a paramount concern. Over 90% of the citizens are complaining of the government, the recent one has caused more harm than good, when they were elected, many Nigerian thought they were the savior, but it is rather unfortunately that they are performing less of our expectations, we were hoping for a better Nigeria were naira will be equals to a dollar but right now it the opposite, naira can't stand the dollar and most of the good are imported and we buy them in dollars. Over the past decade, dissatisfaction with the performance of the current administration has grown, fueled by corruption scandals, economic instability, and a lack of progress on key issues such as unemployment and poverty alleviation. There is not even a single transparent, accountable, and responsive government that is essential for addressing the needs of the people and building trust and confidence in the political system. Not even one has been able to give that benefit of doubt and hope to the citizens.

Economic Empowerment: Creating Opportunities

Unemployment and underemployment remain persistent challenges in Nigeria, especially among the youth population. The lack of viable employment opportunities has caused poverty and inequality, the percentage of unemployed people is greater than the employed ones, you will see a lot of people roaming around the streets without jobs, some people because of this prefer to live outside the country where they can see a better employment opportunities and this has hindered social progress and economic growth. To address this issue if unemployment, there is a need for policies and initiatives that promote entrepreneurship, skills development, and job creation, particularly in sectors such as agriculture, technology, and manufacturing because where the population is much the government can't provide jobs for everyone and can't employe everyone so some people have to go into businesses and the world of cryptocurrency trading, but is rather unfortunately that here in Nigeria the government are fighting the growth of cryptocurrency which has been one of the ways young people get employment and survival.

Pathways to Improvement

While there are a lot of challenges faced by Nigerians, there are also significant pathways to improvement and greater avenues for positive change. Collaboration between government, civil society, and the private sector is essential for developing and implementing effective solutions to address infrastructure deficits, governance issues, and economic challenges. Investing in education is very important. Our education system is. Very poor, especially at the tertiary level, healthcare, good medical facilities Should be provided so that Nigerians can have good healthcare instead of traveling abroad for treatment, and social welfare programs can empower individuals, the Nigeria government should embrace cryptocurrency, the world is evolving and crypto is leading adoption of cryptocurrency can contribute to the nation's development.

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Conclusion: A Call to Action

As Nigerians, we have a collective responsibility to work towards building a better future for ourselves and future generations. We shouldn't just leave the work for the government. We too can contribute to the change. By advocating for improved infrastructure, demanding accountability from our leaders, and actively participating in efforts to build economic empowerment and social progress, we can affect meaningful change in our communities and our country. Let us unite in our vision for a brighter, more prosperous Nigeria, and let our actions speak more louder than words as we strive to realize this shared aspiration.

This article was inspired by the Aprilinleo initiative read the announcement post

Inleo is a blockchain-based Web3 community that builds innovative applications on the Hive, BSC, ETH, and Polygon blockchains. Our flagship application: Inleo allows users and creators to engage and share content on the blockchain while earning cryptocurrency reward

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