Another Level

Yesterday I wrote a post about my experience at the art gallery and how a visitor kept repeating the word extraordinary countless times. She was not exaggerating, I thought the same thing, but didn't say it out loud.

Today I'd like to show you a different kind of art, not very common, but extraordinary in every sense of the word. I'd call it a different level and you'll see why.



As usually happens, when I see something extraordinary, I was standing in front of it, looking at it for a few minutes, trying to find the right words to describe it, but I don't know if there are any. It's absolutely fantastic. Fiber art has always been my favorite and have seen quite a few works, but this is ... a different level. This is basically a painting made with fiber, if you like. I was looking at it, trying to figure out how it was made. I have an idea as I used this technique years ago, to make a pillow cover, but that can't be compared to this beauty. You really have to know how to use these fibers to get the desired consistency and have to know how to cut it, to get the reliefs to show the face, or the wavy hair.

Offtopic: Funny how my mind works because when I saw the title, Requiem, the first thing that came to my mind was Requiem For A Dream. Don't ask me why as I have no answer to the question and had to check that this means or where it is from. Well, there's a movie with that title, but I don't think I've seen it and checking out the trailer, chances to watch it are slim to none. But there's a nice piano play here -> Requiem for a Dream - Lux Aeterna (Piano Version)



Not long ago I had an art post in which Éva Barabás, the artist had one caryatid on canvas. That was a painting with much clear visualization. These caryatids are a bit different, but not less valuable. Here, the artist, Mária Hunyadi had one color to use and had to cut the length of the yarn in a way to get the image she wanted. I've never seen anything like this to be honest, but I love it.



If you thought the previous two works are genius, what do you think about this one? How would you characterize it? What's the right word to describe it?


Look at the details. I don't know about you, but I find it fantastic and this is not all.



Look at the frame. If you thought it's a fancy wooden frame, look again as you were wrong. Th frame is also made of yarn. Have you ever seen such a frame? I haven't, but it's fantastic. The artwork seems to be made of some synthetic fiber, but the frame fiber looks like wool.



This is where the artist's creativity shows. This is proof that not only portraits can be created, but landscapes as well. This is a bit more complex in my opinion as you need to know how to use the colors to get a landscape. So most likely a drawing or a painting is made first, as a pattern if you like, and the actual work comes after. It's like weaving, but made differently. Imagine each piece of fiber has to be tied separately. I'd love to see the back of these frames but would never touch any of it.


Via Sofia

This is a bit different from the previous one as far as the execution is regarded. Have a better look below.


The center, with the buildings is woven,the rest is not. What I loved about this, besides the colors, is the three characters.



This time the artist chose to incorporate the city in the body of the woman, which is a pretty original idea.


Afternoon Of Muses

If I were to choose a couple of artworks, this would definitely be one of them. Can you see the three muses? I hope you can. I love it. Look at how many colors the artist used and still there's a harmony between them.


This frame is similar to the previous one, but look at the colors, how they are mixed.


Gift Of The Sea

And if you thought you've seen it all, let me prove you wrong. Look at how the artist incorporated the shells in the fiber artwork.



This is a funny one, but for me, just as valuable as the previous ones. You can see the wooden shutters, just in real life, and the woman holding the blue bird, which is funny, but I love the blue-brown combination, it's a very good one. Love it.

This shows you, creativity and imagination have no limits. Now you know why the woman kept saying extraordinary. It is extraordinary.

I hope you have a favorite.

If you're a newbie, you may want to check out these guides:


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