Not Your Regular Date

Weekends are just a time to relax, unwind and have fun. Most weekends gets better than others. Sometimes, it's in the happy moments shared with friends, the anticipation of special occasions or even getaways, other times too, It's in the moments we spend just doing what we love. I've had a lot of memorable weekends both ones spent indoors and the one spend outdoors. In all that, nothing beats weekends I spend with my little sister, who is not so little,she's actually bigger in person.

Sighs in unfair treatment

Kids nowadays.

We could be such a dangerous combination when we together and that always happen during the weekend. We both stay at home to get the home in good shape as a way of getting ready for a new week. I'm talking cooking, cleaning, weekend shopping, Y'know? All that stuff.
In the course of doing all these, we try to have a lot of fun and there is no limit when it comes to fun ideas. When it comes to gisting, we can talk until the moon is no more, endlessly pranking the hell out of each other, discovering crazy snapchat filters, getting lazy sometimes and well,we can get oddly creative as well.

For example last weekend, we were doing our usual chores at home and we got hungry. None of us were willing to cook anything which was kinda weird because speaking for myself, I always want to do the cooking except I am too tired or lazy to do it. So, we scouted for what to eat at home and we found some bread and a yoghurt drink. Normally, our perfect combo would've been bread and coconuts. As a Nigerian, you should know this mad combo.

This is the point where a little thought struck me and I was like;

Why don't we do a little pretend date, me and you, with this our second to none delicacy?

Of course she agreed, that one? Best in supporting crazy adventures.
We setup our space for the date, a very cool spot on the tile floor, making sure that all the goodies were in place. You'd think that is a nice colourful blanket we used but honestly, that is one of her gowns she has been planning to discard, it just came in handy and served a good purpose. I'm telling you that for free.

This is a time where you get to see us in the most unserious state. It was clear that we actually had a lot of time on our hands with the way we sat nonchalantly on the floor attacking the loaf of bread fiercely and gulping down the drink. None of actually had something importantly to discuss as people do on real dates, we were just looking at ourselves with our mouth filled up and trying to contain our laughter, the entire moment was humorous. When I finally got a hold on myself and asked her where she wants to be in 5 years time, she said 'in the same place we are right now'.


There's nothing normal about that girl.

The only reason we were so relaxed was that we were almost through with our chores. Or else, I wasn't going to spend the entire time eating bread with her. One thing about having our little crazy adventures is that before you even get a blink of an eye, boom, it's 5 hours already and suddenly we're quickly clearing up any mess we've created before mom comes back and probably finds one of her wigs on someone's head.

That caption right there was intentional. After our little playing around, we posted the pictures on our Whatsapp status and it gained a lot of different reactions from people. Some caught the vibe and shared in the fun while others actually thought it was something serious because of the crazy captions in the pictures. Nevertheless it was a fun weekend, one we definitely want to have again.

Images are mine

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