The need for improvement in my hometown


Hello, guys, I have been a bit busy today, so I couldn't write today's prompt on time because of that but notwithstanding, since it was something I had intentions of doing, I decided to stick to my plan.

Today's prompt says;

Things that can be improved in my hometown

After critical thinking about it, I came up with three things that I am sure can and should be improved in my hometown especially since I have been privileged to see other states do better in it.

I was privileged to attend government school after the demise of my dad and when I became a government school student in my hometown and got to interact with not just my friends in the same school but other student in different government schools, I realized that we had students who were far intelligent than many private school student.

For someone who went to one of the outstanding private schools in Lagos when we were based there, and for someone who felt private school students were better than public schools, sincerely I kind of didn't put them in high esteem but after a first-hand experience, I understood better and changed my perception about private/public (government) schools.


Yeah, quite a number of these students are bright and better than most private school students but I still think a whole lot needs to be done and put in place for the best result to be acquired.

The quality of educational services offered in government schools is poor, now this is what I am saying, most government school teachers are so carefree about the wellness of the students, while some do not even come to school only on occasions where inspection is going to take place, especially the Secondary sector.

They give a scheme of work and textbooks and ask the students to go and read up and wait for exams, leaving the students to cover the topics themselves, and all the teachers do is stay at their homes and get paid for nothing, for what they aren't doing.


Then most of the government schools' learning environment is nothing good to write home about, some classrooms have no ceiling, exposing students to the direct heat from the sun even though there is a roofing, it is mostly this heat-radiating type of zinc (local zinc) that is being used and without the ceiling that is supposed to serve as a barrier or protection to the student, the class becomes hell and in cases where the weather is so hot especially in the afternoon and during the dry season, learning can not be convenient in such state.

To make matters worse, most classrooms, usually have leaking roofs, which becomes a problem and inconvenient for students during the rainy seasons. I believe these are things that can be fixed and worked on either by the teachers as a team or by the government to make learning easy, convenient, and comfortable for students as that is how school and learning are supposed to be.

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For some reason, one of the sets of people who are constantly going through a lot is our old and aging parents but unfortunately, we have limited facilities to aid them, especially in that stage of their lives when they can easily fall ill at any time.

I know the cost of taking care of them is on the higher side, especially for those who have one health issue or the other, I am saying this from my current experience but I wish regardless, something could be done to keep them alive longer and maintain their health issues here because the limited and unavailability of the necessary equipment and facilities can cut short their lives at an unexpected time.

Looking into that, I think there is room for improvement if properly looked into and considered. It's high time the government looked into the provision of good health facilities/services, especially for the aging in my hometown.

Taking them outside the country for those who can afford to or taking them to another state can be not just a tasking work but financial constraints to some others.

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The last I am going to be talking about is the lack of job opportunities in my hometown, last year, the government built a worship center that could contain as many people as it could, and funny enough a few months ago, we heard the news of how a man of God also built a worship center in my same hometown and it kept many talking.

It's not like we do not want worship centers or that we do not want to worship God but the thing is what is wrong with building and creating job opportunities for the youth, especially those who just graduated and are seated at home doing nothing because of the lack of jobs we are facing down here.

In most cases, you could be lucky to see the jobs but the monthly pay is nothing to write home about yet still, you are asked to give your all just because of a penny that can not even help meet your needs.

I believe there were better options rather than building too many worship centers in situations when jobs are lacking for the youths who are living here. The country isn't the same anymore, so I feel a way out to help curb the outrageous and increment in robbery and cybercrime should be looked into and can be improved through creating sustainable job opportunities.

Thank you for reading!!!

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