Solid Activity on Sunday.


Greetings to all friends.
How are you friends today..?
See that question mark, I hope today will be a good start to achieve good fortune, which is better than the previous days.

The morning was slightly cloudy, the cold air woke me up from bed. Wall clock shows 05.30. WIB, I immediately rushed to the bathroom to clean myself and perform the Subuh prayer.

The next activity I do is exercise in the morning, the exercise I do is cycling. I immediately pedaled my bicycle slowly, I passed several sections of the village road. Cold fresh air accompanies this morning's journey, beautiful views are presented when the sun starts to rise.


Streams of sweat are able to wet the body, fatigue enveloped this self. Together with some of my colleagues, I kept rowing my bicycle through the alleys of the village, occasionally stopping to relieve fatigue. This sport is very draining of energy and stamina, because the feeling of fatigue continues to be felt, we immediately return to the house.

Arriving at home, I immediately took a break on the terrace of the house. Black coffee without sugar and a few pieces of bread to accompany this morning's rest, on the terrace of my house I lay down to lie down for a while.


After resting, I went straight to the bathroom to clean myself. Next I enjoy breakfast which has been prepared by my beloved wife, after breakfast my children and I take the time to watch television in the living room.

Around 11.15. WIB, I went to The Coffee Beans Shop Bireuen. The purpose of this place was to meet a friend, when I got there I went straight to one of the tables. Together with this colleague, I discussed the problem of the kitchen equipment material business, I have been running this business for the last five years.


While enjoying a cup of coffee without sugar, we discussed the business. Sales turnover is our priority discussion this afternoon, so far the business is indeed weakening. This is due to diminishing market demand. After discussing the business, a colleague and I immediately returned home.

Arriving at home, I immediately went back to the bathroom to clean myself, then I performed the obligatory midday prayer. Finished with these obligations, I immediately enjoyed lunch with my family and rested for a while.


While the activity that I did in the afternoon was to go to the canal construction site in the village, I also happened to get a job to build a canal. By using a two-wheeled vehicle, I went straight to the job site.

Upon arrival at the job site, I immediately reviewed the progress of the construction. The new construction is progressing right down to the excavation and installation of the mall, this work has only been underway for the past three days.

I immediately discussed with the head of the carpenters, carpenters and several other jobs. I urge them to carry out the work in accordance with the specifications stated in the planning drawings.

After giving the briefing to the comrades, I immediately returned home. When I got home, I immediately cleaned myself and gathered with the children.



Meanwhile, at night, what I do is take my family out to enjoy dinner. After walking around the city for a while, we immediately stopped at one of the cafes in the city center.

After choosing a place, the waiter immediately offers food and drinks with various menu choices. I immediately chose Acehnese noodles and Espresso Coffee without sugar, while my children and wife chose a menu according to their individual tastes.

After finishing our activities here, our family immediately returned home. However, I continued my journey to The Coffee Beans Shop Bireuen. My goal here was to buy coffee grounds, upon arrival at the place I immediately bought two kilograms of coffee powder.


Then I immediately returned home to rest from today's activities.

This is the journey of life that I went through on Sunday, 08/01/2023, I hope my writing can benefit all of us. Sorry if there are words that are wrong in this writing, thank you to friends who have taken a little time to read my writing.

Thank you.

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